Alright, let’s talk about this Bar-se-lo-na and Ma-drid thing, you know, the football stuff. Heard folks jabberin’ about it, so I figured I’d put in my two cents, even if I don’t know much ’bout kickin’ balls.

Them Train Tickets
First off, I heard you can get tickets to go see ’em play, train tickets I mean. Cheap ones too, somethin’ ’bout 9 euros for grown-ups and 7 for the little tykes. OUIGO, they call it, fast trains. Sounds fancy, but I reckon it just gets you there quicker so you can watch them boys runnin’ around.
Football History, Kinda Sorta
Now, these two teams, Bar-se-lo-na and Real Ma-drid, they been at it for a long time. Way back in 1958, Bar-se-lo-na whooped Ma-drid 4-0. Some fellers named Evaristo and Tejada, they did the scorin’. Heard it was a real beatdown.
- Seems like Ma-drid don’t lose at home much, but when they do, they lose big. Happened a while back, in 2009, lost to Bar-se-lo-na real bad, then lost to some other team called Ma-llor-ca. All in their own backyard, Bern-a-bay-oo, or somethin’ like that.
New Players, New Numbers
Heard tell there’s some new young’uns playin’ now. Got these fellers, Cubar-see, he’s wearin’ number 2. Cas-a-doe, got number 17. And this Yam-al fella, he’s got 19. Young kids, prob’ly runnin’ faster than a scared rabbit.
The Big Game, They Call It “El Clasico”
This Bar-se-lo-na versus Ma-drid game, they call it “El Clas-see-co.” Sounds important. Been playin’ each other a whole bunch, 189 times just in this La Liga thing. Ma-drid, they won most of ’em, 79 times I heard.

Who’s Better? Who Knows?
Now, I ain’t no expert, but from what I gather, these two teams are like the big dogs of Spanish football. Always fightin’, always tryin’ to beat each other. Bar-se-lo-na got their fancy players, Ma-drid got theirs. One day one wins, the next day the other. It’s like a never-ending story, I tell ya.
I seen some highlights once, on that telly-vision thing. Them fellers runnin’ around, kickin’ that ball, crowd goin’ wild. It’s somethin’ alright, even if I don’t understand all the rules. They get paid a lot of money to do that, you know? More money than I ever seen in my life, that’s for sure.
Seems like folks get real worked up about it too. Yellin’ and screamin’, wearin’ them funny shirts with the team colors. It’s like a big ol’ party, or a big ol’ fight, dependin’ on who you ask. Me? I just watch from afar, shakin’ my head and thinkin’, “Them boys sure got a lot of energy.”
So, if you’re lookin’ for some excitin’ football, I guess this Bar-se-lo-na and Ma-drid thing is the ticket. Just don’t ask me to explain all the fancy plays, ’cause I ain’t got a clue. I just know they kick a ball, and folks get real happy or real sad dependin’ on who kicks it better.
And remember, you can get them train tickets cheap. OUIGO, they call it. Cheap and fast. Gets you there so you can yell and scream with the rest of ’em. Just don’t forget your earplugs, ’cause them crowds can get mighty loud.
That’s all I got to say about it. Bar-se-lo-na, Ma-drid, football, trains… It’s all a bit much for an old woman like me, but hey, at least it keeps folks entertained. And that’s somethin’, I guess.
Tags: [Barcelona, Madrid, El Clasico, La Liga, Football, Soccer, OUIGO, Train Travel, Spain, Sports]