Well, let me tell ya ’bout this fella, this Viking Victor, you know? They say he’s a big deal, like somethin’ outta them old stories my grandma used to tell, somethin’ ’bout strong fellas and thunder gods.

Now, they say this Victor fella, he was born a long, long time ago, way back in 960 AD. Imagine that! That’s older than my ol’ mule Bessie! And folks, they reckon he was related to Thor, yeah, that thunder god fella. Said Thor even gave him that hammer, that… whatchamacallit… Mjolnir, that’s it! Sounds like a made-up story to me, but who am I to judge?
Anyways, this Victor, they picture him as a big ol’ blue Viking, with a beard as long as my arm and a helmet with them horns stickin’ out. And he carries a shield, big enough to hide behind, you betcha! Sounds like quite a sight, I tell ya. And wouldn’t you know it, they say he’s one of them popular mascot fellas in the NFL.
Now, I ain’t too familiar with this NFL thing, but seems like these mascots, they get paid pretty good. Heard tell this Victor fella makes somethin’ like sixty or seventy thousand dollars a year! Land sakes, that’s more money than I’ve seen in my whole life! Just for dressin’ up and makin’ folks happy, can you believe it? Times are changin’, I tell ya.
But hold on, there’s more to this story. Seems like the Vikings, that’s the football team I guess, they had a fella playin’ this Victor character for 21 years! Twenty-one years! That’s longer than my chickens been layin’ eggs! But then, they couldn’t agree on somethin’ or other, so they parted ways. Imagine that, after all that time! Just like my cousin Jebediah and his prize-winning pig, always bickerin’ over somethin’ or other.
- They call him Victor, the Viking mascot.
- They say he was brought back by that Thor fella in 2007.
- And guess what? You can even hire him! For parties and such, I reckon. Ain’t that somethin’?
This Victor fella, he’s even got one of them… Tik Tok things, you know? The young’uns are always fiddlin’ with them phones. Millions of likes and thousands of followers, they say. He’s a celebrity, I guess. Land sakes, I can barely figure out how to use my radio!
So, there ya have it, the story of this Viking Victor. A big ol’ blue Viking, maybe related to a thunder god, who’s a mascot for some football team and makes more money than a farmer like me could ever dream of. He’s on them TikTok things, you can hire him for parties, and the fans, they raise their hands and clap and yell somethin’ or other… “Skol!” they call it. Sounds like a hoot, I tell ya. Who’da thunk it? A Viking in the modern world, makin’ folks happy and gettin’ paid for it. It’s a funny ol’ world, ain’t it?
And this Victor, he ain’t just some fella in a costume, no sir. He’s a symbol, I reckon. A symbol of strength, and courage, and… well, I don’t rightly know what else, but he seems mighty important to them football folks. And that’s the story of Viking Victor, as best as I can tell it.
Tags: [Viking Victor, Minnesota Vikings, NFL Mascot, Thor, Mjolnir, Football, Skol, TikTok, History, Legend]