Alright, so you wanna know about this Lee Trevino fella and his, whatchamacallit, spouse? Okay, okay, I’ll tell ya what I know. Don’t expect no fancy words though, I ain’t no scholar, just a plain talkin’ person.

Lee Trevino and his wife, Claudia, that’s who we’re talkin’ about. They got hitched back in 1983, long time ago, ain’t it? Been together ever since, far as I know. Seems like a good woman, that Claudia. Stands by her man, you know? Like a good wife should.
Now, Lee, he’s a golfer. A real good one, they say. Folks like to watch him play and listen to him talk. He’s a talker, that one. Always got a story to tell. Reminds me of my old Uncle Jed, that man could talk your ear off! But people like it, they like a good story.
- Married since: 1983
- Wife’s name: Claudia (first it was Claudia Fenley, now it’s Claudia Bove, same woman though, I reckon, just changed her name, happens all the time, you know, people gettin’ hitched and unhitched, or maybe she just likes changin’ her name, who knows?)
- Lee’s a golfer, a famous one.
This Lee fella, he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth, no sir. Grew up poor, real poor. Didn’t even know his daddy. His mama and grandpa, they raised him. Worked hard, I bet. Life ain’t easy when you ain’t got nothin’. But look at him now, all famous and whatnot. Shows you what hard work can do, I guess.
He wasn’t always a fancy golfer, you know? Started from nothin’, just like the rest of us. Had to learn, had to work hard. That’s how it is in life, nothin’ comes easy. You gotta sweat for it, gotta put in the time. And seems like he did, this Lee Trevino. Good for him, I say.
I heard tell he didn’t even learn to speak Spanish till he was older, moved to some place called El Paso. Imagine that! A fella with a Mexican name, not speakin’ Spanish. Well, everyone’s got their own story, ain’t they? You can’t judge a book by its cover, that’s what my mama always said.
And he’s been in some movies too, I heard. Not a big movie star or nothin’, but he’s been in ’em. Happy Gilmore, that’s one. Never seen it myself, but I heard it’s funny. Maybe I’ll watch it sometime, if I can figure out how to work that dang TV remote. Kids these days, they understand all that tech stuff, but me? I’m still stuck in the last century, I guess.
So, there you have it. Lee Trevino and his wife, Claudia. Been married a long time, he’s a golfer, tells good stories, and had a tough upbringing. What more you wanna know? He’s just a regular fella, I reckon, even if he is famous. We all put our pants on one leg at a time, don’t we?
Claudia, she’s been with him through it all, thick and thin. That’s what matters, you know? Findin’ someone who sticks by you, no matter what. That’s more important than all the fame and money in the world, if you ask me. And nobody’s askin’, but I’m tellin’ ya anyway!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talkin’ makes a person hungry. Hope you got what you needed. If not, well, you can always go look it up on that there internet thingamajig. Just don’t expect me to understand it, all them fancy words and whatnot. Give me good old plain talk any day.
Tags: [Lee Trevino, Claudia Trevino, Golfer, Marriage, Spouse, Happy Gilmore, 1983, El Paso, Mexican-American, Family]