Alright, so you wanna know about this Bernard fella in Baldur’s Gate 3, huh? I tell you what, that game’s got more twists and turns than a country road. But Bernard, yeah, he’s a piece of work. Now, where did I see him… oh yeah, that fancy tower, the Arcane Tower. You gotta go all the way up, top floor like, the fourth one. Take the elevator, you can’t miss him. He’s standin’ there big as day, waitin’ for ya.

Now, what you do with him is your business, but folks say he’s got some loot. Loot, you know, treasures and such. Everybody likes a bit of loot, right? It’s like findin’ a forgotten coin purse in your old coat pocket – a nice little surprise. But gettin’ it ain’t always easy. Bernard, he’s tough, like an old stubborn mule. Made of metal, they say, hard to hurt. So you gotta be smart about it. Don’t go swingin’ wildly like a scarecrow in a windstorm.
- First thing, think about what you’re good at. You good at hittin’ hard? Go for it.
- You good at magic and fancy stuff? Use that.
- But if he’s too tough, some smart folks say you can trick him. Like, there’s this thing called a “saving throw attack.” Sounds fancy, but it just means you make him dodge somethin’ instead of hittin’ him straight on.
And get this, the funniest thing I heard… you can just push him off the tower! Can you imagine? All that metal clatterin’ down. It’s like when that old rooster fell off the barn roof last summer – didn’t see that comin’! Saves you a lot of trouble, that’s for sure. Just give him a good shove and watch him go. That’ll teach him, right? But be careful, don’t fall off yourself! That tower’s high.
Now, some folks get stuck with Bernard, can’t seem to beat him. They say he’s too strong or somethin’. There’s always a way, though. Like when that old fence post wouldn’t budge, I just got my boy to help me, see? Two heads are better than one, they say. In this game, they call it “ungrouping your party”. Sounds complicated, but it just means you get your friends together. And one of them, they gotta be this “Bard” fella. Bards, they got magic tricks up their sleeves, like a quick nap that makes everyone feel better. They call it “short rest”. So you get your Bard friend to do their magic, everyone gets a pep in their step, and you try again. Don’t give up so easy!
This Baldur’s Gate game, it’s like life, you know? Full of puzzles and problems. Sometimes you gotta fight, sometimes you gotta think, and sometimes you just gotta push a fella off a tower. But there’s always a way to get through it. Just gotta keep tryin’, like gettin’ that stubborn mule to plow the field. Eventually, you’ll figure it out. And when you do, you get that loot, that little reward for your trouble. And that’s what it’s all about, ain’t it? Workin’ hard and gettin’ your due.
So, that’s Bernard for ya. Go find him in that tower, give him a good fight, or just shove him off the edge. It’s up to you. But remember, be smart, be prepared, and don’t forget your friends. And who knows, maybe you’ll find somethin’ even better than loot along the way. This game’s like that, always surprisin’ ya.
Tags: [Baldur’s Gate 3, Bernard, Arcane Tower, Loot, Guide, Tips, Strategy, Combat, Bard, Short Rest]