Alright, let’s talk about this Seth Rollins fella and his hair, you know? Folks been yappin’ about it, so I figured I’d chime in. Didn’t know who this fella was at first, but my grandson told me he’s one of them wrestlin’ guys on the TV.

Did Seth Rollins cut his hair? Well, that’s what got everyone’s tongues waggin’. See, this fella, he used to have this long hair, like a girl almost, some of it yellow like corn silk. Then, bam! He shows up lookin’ all different.
Some folks thought he went bald-headed! Can you imagine? A big ol’ wrestler with no hair? Heard some sayin’ he shaved it all off. I reckon that woulda been somethin’ to see. But then, turns out, he didn’t go completely bald. He’s a sneaky one, that Rollins.
From what I gather, he did cut it, though. Chopped it right off, made it short. And that beard he had? Gone too! Clean-shaven as a baby’s bottom, they say. Now, why he went and did that, I ain’t rightly sure. Maybe he got tired of all that hair gettin’ in his eyes durin’ them wrestlin’ matches. Or maybe he just wanted a change, like when I decide to move the furniture around in the livin’ room, just to spice things up a bit.
- He used to have long hair, some of it blonde.
- Now his hair is short and he shaved his beard.
- People thought he was bald at first.
- He actually just hid his hair under his hat.
This whole hair situation got folks talkin’ on that there internet thingamajig. My grandson showed me some pictures, folks postin’ about it, comparin’ his old look to the new one. Seems like he had this blonde hair thing goin’ on way back when, too. Dyed half of it, they say. Young folks and their fancy hairdos, I tell ya. Back in my day, you just had hair, and that was that. Didn’t go dyin’ it all sorts of colors.
Heard tell he was gone for a while, this Rollins fella. Injured, they said. Wrestlin’ is a rough business, I reckon. All that jumpin’ around and slammin’ into each other. Bound to get yourself hurt sooner or later. Then he came back, lookin’ all different with that new haircut. Guess he wanted to make a grand return, somethin’ folks would notice. And notice they did, that’s for sure.
So, what’s the deal with hidin’ his hair under his hat? Well, seems like he was playin’ a little trick on folks. Made it look like he didn’t have no hair at all. Got everyone all riled up, wonderin’ what happened. Then, surprise! He still got hair, just tucked it away all neat and tidy. Smart fella, that Rollins. Knows how to get folks talkin’.
Now, I ain’t no expert on wrestlin’ or hairstyles, but I can tell you this: people like to talk. And when a fella like Seth Rollins changes up his look, you can bet your bottom dollar folks are gonna have somethin’ to say about it. Whether it’s good or bad, doesn’t matter much. What matters is that they’re talkin’. Keeps things interestin’, I guess.
And about that injury? Heard he’s been havin’ some troubles, but he’s back wrestlin’ now. Guess that haircut didn’t slow him down none. He was even a referee at some big match, though he got roughed up a bit himself. Tough fella, I tell ya. Takes more than a haircut and a few bumps and bruises to keep him down.

So, there you have it. The whole story about Seth Rollins and his hair, as best as I can tell it. He cut it, he didn’t shave it all off, and he sure got folks payin’ attention. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about wrestlin’ and haircuts has made me hungry.
Tags: [Seth Rollins, Haircut, WWE, Hairstyle, Wrestling, Injury, Return, Beard, Appearance, Fans]