Alright, so you wanna know about this Alex Verdugo fella and his kids, huh? Well, let me tell ya what I know. It ain’t easy keeping up with these young folks and their fancy lives, but I’ve heard some things here and there.
First off, this Alex guy plays baseball. Yeah, one of them fellas who swings a stick and runs around. They say he’s pretty good at it, makes a lot of money too, I reckon. But that ain’t what you asked about, you wanna know about his young’uns.
Now, from what I gather, he’s got himself a gal named Yamille Alcala. Don’t ask me how they met, those young folks, they keep things hush-hush these days. But they got kids together, that’s for sure. How many? Well, let me see if I can remember…
- They say he’s got a son, born a few years back in Los Angeles. August 2021, they say. Little fella’s probably running around already, causing all sorts of trouble, just like kids do.
- And then there’s a daughter. This one’s even younger, just a tiny little thing born in Spring 2024. A little baby girl, imagine that. Probably needs a lot of looking after, that one.
So, that’s two kids right there. But wait a minute, I think I heard there’s another one. Yes sirree, they say he’s got three kids in total with that Yamille gal.
Now, I don’t know much about this Yamille, but she must be a strong woman, raising all them kids. It ain’t easy, let me tell ya. Changing diapers, feeding them little mouths, and keeping them out of trouble…it’s a full-time job, that’s for sure. And this Alex fella, he’s out there playing baseball, so maybe she’s doing most of the hard work. But that’s just how it is sometimes, ain’t it?
Alex Verdugo, he plays for… well, I can’t rightly recall which team now. They change teams so often these days, it’s hard to keep track. But he’s out there playing, making a living, and providing for his family, I guess. That’s what a man’s supposed to do, right?
I heard tell that Alex, he went to some high school in Tucson, a place called Sahuarto High School. Said he was a two-way player, whatever that means. Probably good at hitting and throwing, I reckon. Always was a sporty type, I bet. You know, some folks are just born with that talent, that’s all there is to it.
And speaking of fancy things, I heard this Alex fella, he likes his jewelry. Got himself a necklace, they say, cost him a pretty penny too. $15,000! Can you imagine that? What in the world would a person need with a necklace that expensive? But then again, these young folks with their fancy money, they spend it on all sorts of things I don’t understand.
So, let’s see, what else can I tell you? Alex Verdugo, baseball player, three kids with Yamille Alcala. Two little ones, a boy and a girl, and one more running around, I imagine. He plays hard, makes money, and wears fancy necklaces. That’s about all I know, I reckon. These young folks, they live such complicated lives these days. It’s hard for an old woman like me to keep up, but I try, I try.

And one more thing, they say he uses the same necklace every game, at least he did when he was playing for some New York team against the Houston fellas. Superstitious, maybe? Who knows. Young folks and their ways, always a mystery to me.
Anyway, that’s the story as far as I know it. Hope that helps you out. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go get myself a cup of coffee. All this talkin’ has made me thirsty.
Go ask somebody else if you want more details. I told you all I know, which ain’t much.
Now, get going. You’ve got your answers.
Tags: [Alex Verdugo, Yamille Alcala, Kids, Son, Daughter, Family, Baseball, Los Angeles, Tucson, Sahuarto High School]