Alright, let’s talk about this Paddy guy and this King Green fella, you know, the ones always fightin’ and punchin’. I saw ‘em on that TV thing, the one with all the screamin’ and hollerin’.

So, this Paddy, they call him “Paddy the Baddy,” like he’s some kinda bad boy, you know? He’s a young whippersnapper, always jumpin’ around and makin’ faces. They say he’s from over there in England, but sounds like a regular fella to me. This Paddy, he’s a lightweight fighter. Don’t know much about that weight stuff, but I reckon it means he’s not too big and not too small, just right for scrappin’, I guess. They say he used to be a champion in some other fightin’ thing, Cage Warriors or somethin’. Sounds fancy, but probably just more punchin’ and kickin’.
- Paddy the Baddy, young fella
- Fights in lightweight division
- Used to be a champion in Cage Warriors
Now, this King Green, he’s older, you can tell by lookin’ at him. Got more wrinkles than a prune, but he’s still tough as nails, I bet. They call him “King,” so he must be pretty good, right? Kings don’t usually mess around. This fella, King Green, he’s 38 years old, been fightin’ since way back in 2012. That’s a long time to be gettin’ punched in the face, if you ask me. They had a big fight, Paddy and King Green, at this place called UFC 304. Sounded like a big deal, with all the lights and the noise.
The fight didn’t last too long, though. Paddy, that young fella, he got King Green in some kinda hold, a triangle choke they called it. Sounds dangerous. King Green, he tapped out, which means he gave up, I guess. So Paddy won. Folks were cheerin’ and yellin’. I reckon Paddy got paid a whole bunch of money for that win. They were sayin’ somethin’ about hundreds of thousands of dollars, more money than I’ve seen in my whole life. He gets a regular pay, somethin’ like $150,000, and then he gets more from those sponsor folks, you know, the ones who put their names on his shorts and stuff. That’s a lot of money for punchin’ somebody.
Paddy vs King Green fight was over pretty quick. I was hopin’ for a longer fight, you know, somethin’ to watch while I was sippin’ my tea. But these young fellas, they’re always in a hurry. Paddy, he’s climbin’ up the ranks, they say. He’s number 13 now in the lightweight division. Don’t know what that means, but it sounds important. King Green, well, he’s been around a while. He probably just wanted to see if this Paddy fella was any good. And I guess he found out.
They were talkin’ about the fight all over the internet, on those computery things the young folks use. They were sayin’ how Paddy was so good and how King Green was gettin’ old. Folks always like to talk, especially when they ain’t the ones gettin’ punched. But I tell you what, both of them fellas are tough. Takes a lot of guts to get in that ring and fight in front of all those people.
So, that’s the story of Paddy and King Green. One young fella, one older fella, and a whole lot of punchin’. It’s all a bit crazy if you ask me, but I guess that’s what folks like to watch these days. Me? I’d rather watch the chickens peck in the yard, but to each their own, I always say.
They fought at Co-op Live in Manchester, that’s what I heard them say on the TV. A lot of people were there, shoutin’ and carryin’ on. Makes you wonder what they get out of it, all that yellin’. But like I said, to each their own.
I heard they weighed them before the fight. Something about height and reach too. I guess it matters in a fight, how long your arms are and how tall you are. But it seems to me that the fightin’ spirit is what really counts. And both of them fellas, Paddy and King Green, they got plenty of that.

Tags: [Paddy Pimblett, King Green, UFC 304, Lightweight, MMA, Fight Recap, Bobby Green, Triangle Choke, UFC Fighter, Fight Results]