Alright, alright, settle down now, y’all. Let’s talk about this Royal Rumble thing, whatever that is. Sounds fancy, like somethin’ them city folks do. But my grandbaby, bless his heart, he’s all excited about it, so I figured I’d try and understand it a bit. He says it’s like a big wrestling match, a real donnybrook, with lots of fellas throwin’ each other around.

Now, they got this quiz thing, see? Like a test, but for fun, I guess. My grandbaby, he’s been tryin’ to get me to take it. Says it’ll test my “knowledge” of the Rumble. Knowledge! Like I know anything about sweaty men in tights! But for him, I’ll give it a shot. He says it starts way back, in 1988. Lord, I was already old then! Imagine that, fellas beatin’ each other up for that long. They must be tough, or crazy, or maybe both.
So, this quiz, it asks you who won all them Rumbles, from way back when till now. Like I said, 1988! That’s a heap of years and a whole lotta wrestlers. I reckon some of them fellas are grandpas themselves by now. They ask you about Undertaker, too. Now, there’s a scary fella. Looks like he ain’t slept in a hundred years. My grandbaby says he’s famous. I guess if you wrestle for that long, you’d get famous, or at least real bruised up.
- They got all these names, see? Big names, strong names. But I can’t remember half of ‘em.
- And they ask you about other matches too, not just the Rumble itself. Wrestlemania, they call it. Even bigger, I guess.
- It’s all a bit much for an old lady like me. But my grandbaby, he explains it all, bless his heart. He knows all the moves, all the winners, all the stories. He even tries to show me some of the moves, but I tell him, “Boy, you’ll break your grandma’s hip!”
This quiz, it ain’t easy, I tell ya. You gotta know your wrestlers, and you gotta know your years. They ask you things like, “Who won in 2021?” How am I supposed to remember that? I was probably busy knittin’ a sweater or somethin’. But I try, for my grandbaby. I guess at some point, there is woman’s rumble too. Them girls are tough too. My grandbaby says those women beat those men in arm wrestling. I don’t believe him, them men are huge!
And then there’s this part where they give you a list of names and you gotta figure out if they were in the Rumble or not. Like a detective game, kinda. My grandbaby, he’s real good at that part. He knows all them wrestlers by heart. Me? I just guess mostly. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I don’t. But it’s fun, in a way. Gets the old brain workin’, even if it’s just rememberin’ silly names.
So, if you wanna try this Royal Rumble quiz, go ahead. Just don’t expect it to be easy. And don’t expect me to help you much. I’m still tryin’ to figure out why grown men wanna wear tights and throw each other around. But hey, to each their own, right? As long as they ain’t hurtin’ nobody too bad, and my grandbaby’s happy, that’s all that matters to me. Maybe I even start liking it too, the way those people yell and scream when they watch it is kind of funny.
And who knows, maybe one day I’ll even be a Royal Rumble expert. Probably not, but a grandma can dream, can’t she? Now, where’s that knitting needle? And someone get me a glass of sweet tea. All this talk about wrestling has made me thirsty.
One more thing, this quiz, it’s not just about rememberin’ stuff. It’s about havin’ fun with my grandbaby. That’s the real win, right there. Not some shiny belt or a fancy title, but spendin’ time with the ones you love. And maybe learnin’ a little somethin’ new along the way, even if it’s just a bunch of fellas in tights throwin’ each other around.
Tags: Royal Rumble Quiz, WWE Quiz, Wrestling Quiz, Sports Quiz, Royal Rumble History, Wrestlemania, WWE Superstars, Undertaker, Royal Rumble Winners