Alright, so you wanna know about this judo rank thing, huh? Let me tell ya, it ain’t as complicated as them city folks make it out to be. It’s just like learnin’ to bake a good pie – ya start with the basics and work your way up.

Judo Ranks: The Basics
First off, judo ain’t just about throwin’ people around, ya know? It’s got rules and ranks, just like everything else. They call these ranks “kyu” and “dan.” Kinda fancy, I know, but don’t let it scare ya.
The kyu ranks are for the beginners, the young’uns learnin’ the ropes. They start with white belts, plain and simple, like a fresh sheet of paper. Then, as they get better, they move up, gettin’ different colored belts – yellow, orange, green, blue, brown… It’s like watchin’ a garden grow, seein’ those colors bloom.
- White belt: Just startin’ out, green as grass.
- Yellow belt: Knows a thing or two, ain’t fallin’ on their face every time.
- Orange belt: Gettin’ stronger, learnin’ some tricks.
- Green belt: Figurin’ things out, gettin’ the hang of it.
- Blue belt: Pretty good, know how to handle themselves.
- Brown belt: Almost there, gettin’ ready for the big leagues.
The Dan Ranks: The Black Belts
Now, once ya get past brown, that’s when things get serious. That’s when ya get into the dan ranks, the black belts. And let me tell ya, a black belt ain’t just a fancy piece of cloth, it means ya put in the time, the sweat, the tears. It means ya earned it.
The dan ranks go from first degree all the way up to tenth. First to fifth dan, those are your regular black belts, the workhorses. They’re good, real good. They know their throws, their holds, they can handle themselves in a scrap.
Sixth to eighth dan, that’s the high-falutin’ crew, the real masters. They been doin’ this judo thing for years, probably longer than you been alive. They’re the ones teachin’ the young’uns, passin’ down the knowledge. They’re respected, admired. They got that somethin’ special, that grace, that power. It’s like watchin’ a hawk circle in the sky.
The Super High Ranks – Red Belts and Such

Then you got ninth and tenth dan… well, those are somethin’ else. They call ‘em red belts sometimes. These folks, they’re legends. They ain’t just good at judo, they are judo. It’s in their bones. There ain’t many of ‘em around, maybe a handful in the whole wide world. They’re like them old oak trees, stood the test of time, seen it all.
How to Get Ranked Up
Now, you’re probably wonderin’, how do ya move up these ranks? Well, it ain’t just about showin’ up, ya gotta work for it. Ya gotta practice, gotta learn, gotta sweat. Ya gotta show the judges, the teachers, that ya know what you’re doin’. And sometimes, ya gotta compete, gotta prove yourself against others. It’s like a pie-eating contest, only ya usin’ throws instead of forks.
They got these competitions, they call ‘em tournaments. Folks come from all over to show off their skills, try to win a medal, try to move up a rank. It’s a big deal, ya know? Lots of excitement, lots of energy. And sometimes, lots of grunting and groaning too! Folks gettin’ tossed around like ragdolls.
Judo Ranks and the NYT Crossword
Now, I heard tell that this judo rank stuff even shows up in them fancy crossword puzzles, like the ones in the New York Times. Can ya believe that? City folks sittin’ around tryin’ to figure out what a “kyu” is, or how many dan ranks there are. Probably makes ‘em feel real smart, crackin’ those codes. Like they figgered out the secret to life or somethin’. Me, I’d rather be bakin’ a pie.
Judo Terms: Ippon! and Others
And there’s all these fancy words they use in judo, too. Like “ippon.” That’s when ya throw someone just right, flat on their back, and it’s an automatic win. It’s like hittin’ the jackpot, ya know? Clean and decisive. Then there’s “O uchi gari” that’s some kinda leg sweep thing and “Ippon seoi nage” another fancy throw these young folks learn. All them fancy names. I just call them what I see. That “O uchi gari” that’s just sweeping someone’s feet out from under ’em. And that “Ippon seoi nage” is tossin’ them over your shoulder. Plain and simple.

Why Judo Ranks Matter
So, these ranks, they’re important. They ain’t just about wearin’ a different color belt, they’re about showin’ progress, showin’ dedication. They’re about respect, about earnin’ your place. It’s like learnin’ to plow a field, ya start with a small patch and work your way up to the whole dang thing. It takes time, takes effort, takes grit. But in the end, it’s worth it.
And that’s all there is to it, really. Judo ranks ain’t nothin’ to be scared of. Just gotta put in the work, learn the ropes, and respect the tradition. It’s like life, ya know? Ya start at the bottom, and ya keep on climbin’.