Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Bianca Belair, the one they’re all yappin’ about. Is she pregnant or ain’t she? That’s what everyone’s whisperin’ ’bout these days. Folks online, they got nothin’ better to do than stir up trouble, ya know? They see a picture, a little change in someone’s belly, and bam! Suddenly, she’s got a bun in the oven.

Now, Bianca Belair, she’s a strong gal, a real fighter. Heard she’s a three-time world champion, whatever that means. Sounds fancy, though. She’s married to that Montez Ford fella, another one of them wrestlers. They say they met at some trainin’ place, the WWE Performance Center, back in 2015. Got hitched a couple years later, in 2017. Seems like a happy couple, from what I hear.
- They say she’s worth a whole lot of money, like 5 million dollars! That’s more money than I ever seen in my life.
- And she makes a good livin’ too, somethin’ like 550,000 dollars a year just from wrestlin’.
- Plus, she sells them t-shirts and stuff, and folks pay her to say good things about their products.
But back to this pregnancy thing. It all started with a picture on that Instagram thingy, where Montez Ford, her husband, posted somethin’. People started lookin’ real close at it, zoomin’ in and all, and they decided she looked a little, well, rounder. And then, boom! The whole internet’s talkin’ ’bout how Bianca Belair is pregnant.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ she is or she ain’t. That’s her business, not mine. But these rumors, they spread like wildfire, ya know? Especially in that wrestlin’ world. Folks love to gossip, love to make up stories. Heard tell there’s another wrestler, Jade Cargill, and they don’t get along too well. Some fella on a show, the “Coach and Bro Show” or somethin’, said Bianca was “pissed off.” Don’t know what that’s all about, but it just goes to show ya, there’s always somethin’ goin’ on with these folks.
If she is pregnant, well, good for her. It’s a blessin’, havin’ a baby. But if she ain’t, then all these folks need to just shut their traps and mind their own business. It ain’t right, spreadin’ rumors and makin’ up stories about someone’s personal life. Let the gal live, I say.
It’s always somethin’ with these famous folks, ain’t it? They can’t sneeze without someone writin’ a story about it. Makes ya wonder if they ever get any peace and quiet. But I guess that’s the price they pay for bein’ in the spotlight, for bein’ on TV and all that. Still, seems kinda rough to me.
So, is Bianca Belair pregnant? I dunno. Maybe she is, maybe she ain’t. Time will tell, I reckon. And until then, all this talk is just a bunch of hot air. Folks need to find somethin’ better to do with their time than gossip about other people’s lives. Go for a walk, read a book, somethin’. Leave this poor gal alone, that’s what I say.
But I tell you what, if she is pregnant, that baby’s gonna be one strong little fella, or gal, considerin’ who the parents are. Probably be wrestlin’ before they can even walk! Just imagine, little baby Belair, out there in the ring, slammin’ folks around. Ha! Now that’s somethin’ I’d pay to see. But seriously, whether she’s pregnant or not, let’s just wish her the best. She’s a hard workin’ woman, and she deserves a little respect. And that’s all I gotta say ’bout that.
Anyway, that’s the story as I heard it. Folks talk, ya know? They always talk. And most of the time, it ain’t worth the powder it takes to blow it up. But sometimes, just sometimes, there’s a little bit of truth in all the chatter. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens with Bianca Belair. And if she does have a baby, well, congratulations to her and Montez Ford. If not, then folks need to learn to keep their noses out of other people’s business. That’s what I think, anyways.