Well, let me tell ya ’bout this fella, Mike Bidwell. They say he’s got a whole lotta money, a real rich guy. Folks are whisperin’ about his net worth, how much he’s actually got. I ain’t never seen that much money in my life, but they say it’s in the billions, with a “B”! Can ya believe that? Billions!

Now, they say this Mike Bidwell, he’s runnin’ the Arizona Cardinals, that football team. His family’s been in charge of it for a long, long time, generations they say. His grandpappy bought the team way back in the day, somethin’ like 1933. That’s a long time ago, even before I was born! And now Mike’s the one callin’ the shots.
So, how’d he get all this money? Well, it seems like a lot of it comes from that football team. See, these football teams, they’re worth a whole heap of money these days. Folks are crazy about football, watchin’ it on TV, goin’ to the games, buyin’ all the stuff with the team’s logo on it. And that means big bucks for the owners, like this Mike Bidwell.
- They say his net worth is around $1.4 billion. That’s a one with nine zeros after it! I can’t even imagine havin’ that much money. Why, you could buy all the land in our county and still have money left over!
- He wasn’t always just a football guy, though. Before he took over the Cardinals, he was a businessman and a lawyer, a fancy one they say, in Chicago. Heard tell he even had some connections to some fellas, you know, the kind that wear fancy suits and talk with their hands. But that’s just what I heard, mind you.
- And it wasn’t just lawyering, he was into horse racin’ too, had his own stables and all. Plus, he was in charge of that big Chicago Stadium, where they have all them shows and games. Seems like he had his fingers in a lot of pies.
Now, some folks are sayin’ that Mike Bidwell’s had some troubles lately. Accusations and such, like folks are pointin’ fingers at him. I don’t know the details, mind ya, just what I hear from the neighbors and on the TV. But it sounds like he’s got some headaches to deal with, even with all that money.
But even with the troubles, they still say he’s a billionaire. That money, it just keeps on comin’ in, seems like. Must be nice to have that kinda cushion, you know? If my roof leaks, I gotta patch it myself. If his roof leaks, he probably just buys a whole new house! That’s the difference between folks like me and folks like Mike Bidwell.
This Michael Bidwell, they say he was born in 1964. That makes him younger than my oldest boy! And he’s the third generation in his family to run that football team. That’s somethin’, ain’t it? To keep somethin’ like that in the family for so long. Must be a lot of pressure, though. I mean, what if he messes it up? All that money, all that history, it’s a big responsibility.
They say he grew up with four brothers and sisters, a big family. And now he’s the one in charge, the big boss. It’s funny how life works out sometimes. You never know where you’re gonna end up. One minute you’re a kid playin’ in the dirt, the next you’re a billionaire runnin’ a football team.
So, that’s the story of Mike Bidwell, as best as I can tell it. A rich fella, a football team owner, a businessman, and a lawyer. He’s got more money than he probably knows what to do with, and he’s got a family legacy to uphold. It’s a different world than mine, that’s for sure. But it’s interesting to hear about, ain’t it? All this talk about Mike Bidwell net worth and all, makes ya think about how much money is really out there in the world.
And remember, all this talk about how much money he has, well, it’s just an estimate. Nobody really knows for sure, except maybe him and the tax man. But one thing’s for certain: he’s got a whole lot more than me!