Alright, so you wanna know about this Young Lyric, huh? And her money situation, the “net worth” thing they call it. Well, lemme tell ya what I know, the way I know how to say it, none of that fancy talk.

Young Lyric, Who’s She Anyways?
This girl, Young Lyric, she’s one of them rapper singers, you know? Comes from Texas, born in the year 2000, makes her a young’un still. They say her real name is Lyric Michelle Ragston, sounds kinda fancy, doesn’t it? She started out puttin’ her stuff on that YouTube thing, singin’ and rappin’, and folks liked it, I guess. Started gettin’ popular, real quick like.
- Born in Texas, 2000.
- Started on YouTube.
- Sings, raps, the whole shebang.
How’d She Get All That Money?
Now, about the money. They say she’s got a million dollars, a whole heap of it! How’d she get it? Well, from that singin’ and rappin’ mostly. Every time someone listens to her songs online, she gets a little bit of money. And when she sells her albums, even more. They call it “royalties” and “sales,” but it just means people payin’ for her music.
And it ain’t just the music, y’know. She does other stuff too. Like, she’ll talk about certain things, like maybe a pair of shoes or a drink, and the company that makes it pays her. They call that “promotin’ brands,” I think. It’s like when they put them ads on the TV, but she does it herself, I reckon. So, she gets money from that too. Smart girl, findin’ different ways to make a buck.
How Much is She Really Worth?
So, they throw around this number, one million dollars. That’s a lot of money where I come from! As of 2024, that’s what they say she’s got. But honestly, who really knows for sure? These rich folks, they got their ways of hidin’ money and all that. But a million, that’s what the internet folks are sayin’. They also say she was born on July 30, so I guess she’s around 24 years old now. Young gal with a whole lotta cash, seems like.
More Than Just the Money, Right?

But it ain’t all about the money, is it? This girl, Young Lyric, she calls herself the “Hip Hop Princess,” which sounds kinda silly if you ask me, but hey, that’s what the young folks like these days. She’s been puttin’ out a lot of songs, “hit singles” they call ‘em. And she’s got fans, lots of ‘em, I hear. People who like her music and what she does. That’s gotta count for somethin’, right?
She’s also a “social media influencer,” whatever that means. I guess she has them pages online, and people follow her and listen to what she says. She even does some “modelin’,” which just means she takes pictures lookin’ all fancy. She’s a busy one, that’s for sure. Always doin’ somethin’.
She’s Small But Mighty
I heard someone sayin’ she’s real small, only weighs about 99 pounds. That ain’t much bigger than a sack of potatoes! But don’t let that fool ya, she’s got a big voice and a big personality, seems like. They didn’t say nothing about her shoe size or dress size, but I guess that ain’t important. What’s important is she’s makin’ a name for herself and makin’ that money.
Texas Girl Done Good
So there you have it, that’s the story of Young Lyric, as far as I can tell. A Texas girl who started singin’ on the internet and ended up with a million dollars. She sings, she raps, she promotes stuff, and she’s got folks payin’ attention. Good for her, I say. She found a way to make a livin’ doin’ what she loves, and that’s more than most folks can say.
That’s all I know about this Young Lyric, she sounds like a go-getter, that’s for sure. All this talk about millions, it’s a whole different world from mine. But good luck to her, I say. Hope she uses that money wisely, doesn’t go squanderin’ it all on fancy things. A million dollars, that’s a lot of hay, enough to keep a body fed and warm for a long, long time.