Alright, let’s talk about them weapon thingies in Starfield, the ones you stick on your shootin’ irons to make ’em better. Folks call ’em weapon mod IDs, sounds fancy, but it ain’t nothin’ but numbers and letters, ya know?

Now, I ain’t no spring chicken, and this here Starfield game, it’s got more gizmos and gadgets than a tinker’s shop. But I figured out some things about these weapon mods, and I’m gonna tell ya, plain and simple, like it is. No fancy talk, just the good stuff.
First off, why do you even need these weapon mod IDs? Well, it’s like this: you got a gun, right? Maybe it shoots okay, but it could be better. Maybe it don’t do enough damage, or maybe it kicks like a mule. That’s where these mods come in. They’re like… like fixin’ up an old tractor. You add a new part here, tighten a bolt there, and suddenly it runs like a dream. Same with guns. You add a mod, and boom! Better shootin’.
- More damage: Make your bullets hit harder, like a good punch to the gut.
- Better accuracy: Make your shots go where you want ’em, not all over the place like a scatterbrain chicken.
- Less kick: Make your gun easier to hold, so your arm don’t feel like it’s gonna fall off after firin’ a few rounds.
- Bigger magazines: More bullets in your gun, so you don’t gotta reload so often. That’s always a good thing, ’cause reloadin’ in the middle of a fight is just askin’ for trouble.
So how do you get these mods on your guns? Well, that’s where them IDs come in. Think of ’em like… like the part number for your tractor. You gotta know the right number to get the right part. Same with weapon mods. Each mod has its own special ID, a bunch of numbers and letters all jumbled together. You gotta find that ID, and then you gotta tell the game, “Hey, I want this mod on this gun!”
Now, I hear there’s a way to find these IDs using some kind of fancy computin’ machine talk. Somethin’ about typin’ “help itemname” into a little box, but that sounds like a whole lot of hooey to me. I just ask my grandson to look it up for me, that boy’s got his nose stuck in that computer all day long, he might as well be useful for somethin’. He says you type somethin’ like “help MagSniper” and it spits out a number, somethin’ like 0002EB45. That’s the ID you need. See? Simple as pie, if you know how to do it, which I don’t. But my grandson does, and that’s good enough for me.
And then there’s all sorts of different kinds of mods. Some make your gun shoot faster, some make it shoot farther, some make it shoot… well, just plain meaner. There’s mods for all kinds of guns too, pistols, shotguns, rifles, even them fancy laser guns. My grandson tells me they even have somethin’ called “Legendary” guns, with more power than a mule kick. Imagine that! A gun so powerful it can knock you on your backside. Sounds dangerous to me, but these young folks, they like that sort of thing.
And the game lets you add 3 traits, whatever that means, to your weapons. Something about weapon mods 1, and weapon mods 2. To me, it’s just more of that computer mumbo jumbo. All I know is, more stuff is usually better, right? Like addin’ more sugar to your sweet tea, or more bacon to your eggs. Same with guns, I guess.
So where do you find these weapon mod IDs? Well, that’s the tricky part. Seems like nobody wants to just give ’em to you straight. You gotta go lookin’ for ’em, diggin’ around on the internet, askin’ folks who know more than you do. Like my grandson. Or maybe you can find ’em on one of them computer forums, where all them tech-savvy folks hang out. Just be careful, some of them fellas are a bit… peculiar. And don’t you be givin’ your personal information to nobody on that there internet, you hear? Nothin’ good ever comes from that.
But once you find them IDs, you’re golden. You can take a regular old gun and turn it into a real killin’ machine. Of course, you still gotta know how to shoot straight, but that’s another story for another day. And remember, a good gun is only as good as the person holdin’ it. So practice your aim, keep your powder dry, and don’t go shootin’ at nothin’ you don’t intend to kill. That’s what my pappy always told me, and it’s good advice, even in this here fancy Starfield game.

And don’t forget to save your game often. There’s nothin’ worse than losin’ all your progress because you forgot to save. It’s like plantin’ a whole field of corn and then havin’ a hailstorm come through and wipe it all out. You gotta start all over again, and that ain’t no fun. So save, save, save. That’s my motto.
Anyways, that’s about all I know about these weapon mod IDs. It ain’t much, but it’s honest. And if you’re lookin’ to make your guns better in Starfield, then you gotta learn about these IDs. It’s just part of the game. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about guns and computers has made me hungry.