Alright, alright, lemme tell ya somethin’ about this crossword thing. You know, the one with all them little squares and you gotta fill ’em in with words? Yeah, that one. Some folks think it’s just for old fogeys with nothin’ better to do, but I’m here to tell ya, it’s good for the brain, real good.

First off, it gets you thinkin’. You gotta dig around in your head for them words, you know? It’s like plantin’ seeds in the garden, gotta work the soil a bit before things start growin’. Sometimes the word pops right in your head, easy as pie. Other times, you gotta scratch your head and think hard. It keeps the ol’ noodle sharp, that’s what it does. Like, if I don’t do nothin’ all day, just sit around, I feel like a rusty gate, stuck in one place. But a crossword, that’s like oilin’ the hinges, gets things movin’ again.
And it ain’t just about knowin’ fancy words, neither. Sometimes it’s them everyday words that trip you up. You think you know ‘em, but when you gotta fit ‘em in them little boxes, it’s a whole different story. It’s like tryin’ to squeeze a fat hen into a small coop, you gotta wiggle it around a bit to make it fit. And that’s good! It makes you pay attention to them words, the way they sound, the way they look. You start noticin’ things you never noticed before.
- Makes you think
- Keeps your brain sharp
- Helps you learn new words
- Good for memory
Now, some folks say, “Oh, it’s just a waste of time.” But I say, what ain’t a waste of time these days? People spend hours starin’ at that little glowin’ box, the TV they call it, or fiddlin’ with them phones. At least with a crossword, you’re doin’ somethin’ with your brain. You’re learnin’ new things, even if you don’t realize it. And it’s satisfyin’, you know? When you finally fill in that last square, it’s like finishin’ a whole quilt, all them little pieces comin’ together to make somethin’ beautiful.
And let me tell ya, it’s good for the memory too. I ain’t gettin’ any younger, you know? Things slip my mind sometimes. But when I’m doin’ a crossword, I gotta remember things I learned a long time ago. It’s like dustin’ off old furniture, makin’ it look new again. And it ain’t just about rememberin’ facts, neither. It’s about rememberin’ how words fit together, how sentences work. It’s like keepin’ your tools sharp, ready to use whenever you need ‘em.
I remember when I was a young’un, we didn’t have all these fancy gadgets. We made our own fun. We played outside, we read books, and yeah, we did crosswords too. My grandma, she loved ‘em. She’d sit there with her pencil and her crossword book, and she’d look so peaceful, so content. And she was sharp as a tack, right up until the end. I think them crosswords had somethin’ to do with it. Kept her mind goin’, you know?
And it ain’t just for old folks, neither. I see young people doin’ ’em too. On the train, on the bus, even at the doctor’s office. And that’s a good thing. It means they’re not just glued to them screens all the time. They’re takin’ a break, usin’ their brains in a different way. It’s like givin’ your body different kinds of food, keepin’ it healthy. You gotta give your brain different kinds of exercises too.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s easy. Some of them clues, they’re real head-scratchers. You gotta think outside the box, you gotta be clever. But that’s part of the fun, ain’t it? It’s like solvin’ a puzzle, figuirin’ out a mystery. And when you finally get it, it’s a real good feelin’. It’s like findin’ a lost coin, makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
So yeah, I’m in favor of crosswords. I think they’re good for the soul, good for the mind, and good for the memory. They keep you thinkin’, they keep you learnin’, and they keep you young, at least in the head. And that’s important, you know? ‘Cause even if your body’s gettin’ old, your mind don’t have to. You can keep it sharp, keep it active, keep it goin’. And a crossword, well, that’s a good way to do it. So go on, give it a try. You might just surprise yourself. You might just find out you’re smarter than you think.