Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Kyle Schwarber fella and his weddin’. Folks been buzzin’ ’bout it, so I figured I’d spill the beans the way I know how. Don’t expect no fancy words, just plain talk, ya hear?
Kyle Schwarber, that baseball hitter, yeah, he got hitched! Hitched, married, tied the knot, whatever ya wanna call it. He married his gal, Paige. Been together a good long while, they say. Seems like a nice enough young lady from what I hear. Don’t know her myself, but folks seem to like her. And that’s important, you know? Gotta have a good woman by your side, especially if you’re swingin’ a bat for a livin’.
Now, this weddin’ wasn’t no small thing, I reckon. Being a famous baseball player and all, I bet it was somethin’ else. Probably had all sorts of fancy folks there. Maybe some other baseball fellas, you know, the ones you see on the TV. And lots of food, I bet. Good food, too, not just that rabbit food they serve at them fancy restaurants. I like a good steak and potatoes myself, somethin’ that sticks to your ribs.
They got engaged around Christmas time last year, I heard. Christmas is a good time for gettin’ engaged, I guess. Makes it all festive and romantic-like. And then they got married here recent. I ain’t sure exactly when, but it was recent. Folks are still talkin’ about it. They probably had a big cake too. Wedding cakes are important. Gotta have somethin’ sweet to celebrate.
- Kyle Schwarber wife: Her name’s Paige, like I said. Paige Hartman Schwarber, to be exact. Sounds like a nice name, ain’t it? They say she’s been with him a long time. That’s good. Sticking with someone through thick and thin, that’s what matters.
- Kyle Schwarber wedding details: Don’t know all the nitty-gritty details, but I hear it was a nice ceremony. Probably had flowers and music and all that. And I bet Paige wore a pretty dress. All brides wear pretty dresses, or they should, anyways. It’s their special day, after all.
- Kyle Schwarber family: I hear tell he’s got a couple of young’uns now, too. Little fellas named Kade and Asher. Boys, both of ’em. Boys are a handful, but they’re a blessin’ too. Keeps ya busy, that’s for sure. His folks are Greg and Donna. Greg’s a police officer, keeps folks safe. Donna’s a nurse, helps folks when they’re sick. Good, honest folks, sounds like.
Now, Kyle himself, he plays baseball, like I said. Plays for the, uh… I think it’s the Cubs? Yeah, the Chicago Cubs. Hits the ball real far, they say. A slugger, that’s what they call ’em. Makes a good livin’ doin’ it, too, I reckon. Enough to have a nice weddin’ and take care of his family. That’s important, takin’ care of your family.
He seems like a good fella, from what I see on the TV. Always smilin’ and whatnot. And he seems to love that Paige of his. That’s good. Love is important. Gotta have love in this world, or it ain’t worth much.
I seen some pictures on that Facebook thing. Them young folks are always on that Facebook. Anyways, I seen some pictures of him and his wife. They looked happy. That’s what matters most, ain’t it? Bein’ happy.
He’s got a lot of fans, too. That Facebook page of his, it’s got, uh… a whole bunch of likes. Like, eighty thousand or somethin’. That’s a lot of folks likin’ ya. He must be doin’ somethin’ right.
And that’s the story of Kyle Schwarber’s wedding, as best as I can tell ya. He married his gal, Paige, and they seem to be doin’ just fine. Got a couple of kids, a good family, and a good life. Can’t ask for much more than that, can ya? He probably had a party after the wedding and everybody danced. I like dancing. And I like cake too. Now I wish I was at that wedding.

So good for them, I say. Good for Kyle and Paige. Wish ’em all the best. And that’s all I got to say ’bout that.
I hear Kyle is involved in other things too. Like that “59FIFTY Day” thing with the hats. Seems like a busy fella. But family comes first, that’s what I always say. Family and a good home cooked meal.
And let me tell you, that Paige is a lucky woman. Kyle seems like the type to take care of his own. And that’s important in a husband. You want a man who’s gonna be there for ya, through thick and thin. And it sounds like Kyle is that type of fella.
Anyways, that’s all I know about it. Just a good ol’ wedding and a happy couple. And that’s a good thing, a real good thing.