Alright, alright, let’s talk about this… uh… Tiffany Stratton, yeah, that’s the name. Heard folks are yappin’ about her in a… a whatchamacallit… a bee-kee-nee. You know, them little swimmin’ suits the young’uns wear these days.

So, I saw some pictures, and let me tell ya, this girl, she’s somethin’ else. Fit as a fiddle, that one. Muscles everywhere. Reminds me of them strong gals down at the market, the ones who can lift them heavy crates of melons like they ain’t nothin’. But Tiffany, she’s got that fancy look, like she ain’t never seen a day of hard work, even though I hear she’s one of them wrestlin’ folks.
Now, I ain’t got nothin’ against a bit of muscle. Back in my day, you needed strong arms to churn butter and haul water. But these girls now, they use it for show, I guess. Wrestlin’, dancin’, whatever it is they do on that TV box. Tiffany, she’s one of the best at it, from what I hear. Folks say she’s a real looker, too. Can’t argue with that, I reckon. She’s got that long hair, like them movie stars, and a smile that could charm the birds outta the trees.
- She’s strong.
- She’s pretty.
- She wears them fancy swimsuits.
This whole bikini thing, though, I don’t quite get it. Back in my day, we wore swimsuits that covered, well, everything. But times change, I guess. And if Tiffany wants to strut around in a little piece of nothin’, well, that’s her business. It ain’t hurtin’ nobody, as far as I can see. Though I do wonder if she gets cold. Them pools, they can be chilly, even in the summer sun.
Folks are goin’ crazy over these pictures, I tell ya. It’s all over the place, on them little phone screens everyone carries around. They call her names, like “stunning” and “gorgeous”. And they talk about her “physique” and her “abs”. Sounds like a bunch of fancy words to me. All I see is a healthy young woman enjoying herself by the pool. Nothin’ wrong with that, is there?
I heard she wrestles. Yeah, one of them WWE folks. That explains the muscles, I guess. You gotta be strong to throw other people around. But even with all that fightin’, she still manages to look all dolled up in these pictures. It’s kinda impressive, I gotta admit. She’s got that “it” factor, whatever that is. Makes people stop and stare.
I saw a picture of her by the pool. Red swimsuit, it was. Bright as a firecracker. She was sittin’ there, all relaxed, like she didn’t have a care in the world. Made me think of them lazy summer days when I was young, sittin’ on the porch with a glass of lemonade, watchin’ the world go by. Of course, I wasn’t wearin’ no bikini back then. Lord, no. But the feelin’ was the same, I reckon. That peaceful, content kinda feelin’.
And there were other pictures too. Different swimsuits, different poses. Always lookin’ good, though. She knows how to work the camera, that’s for sure. Some folks say she’s a model, too. That makes sense. She’s got the looks for it. And the body, well, you can see that for yourself.
Some folks might say it’s too much. Too much skin, too much showin’ off. But I say, live and let live. If Tiffany wants to wear a bikini, let her wear a bikini. It’s her body, her choice. And if people want to look at her pictures, well, that’s their choice too. As long as everyone’s respectful, I don’t see no harm in it.

This whole Tiffany Stratton bikini thing, it’s just a sign of the times, I guess. Things are different now than they used to be. Folks are more open, more… free, I suppose. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just different. And sometimes, different can be good. It can be interestin’. It can be… well, it can be a whole lotta things. And Tiffany Stratton in a bikini? She’s definitely somethin’.
So yeah, that’s what I think about Tiffany Stratton and her swimsuits. She’s a strong, pretty gal who likes to show off her muscles, and that’s just fine by me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about swimsuits has made me hungry.