This here story is about Bernard Brissett. You know, that name, it rings a bell, kinda like the church bell back home, but this ain’t about no church. It’s about this fella, Bernard Brissett. I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout him, and I got to thinkin’, I should tell you all what I heard.

Now, this Bernard, he ain’t no ordinary Joe. Seems like he’s got somethin’ to do with that basketball player, Oshae Brissett. I seen that boy on the TV, jumpin’ around and throwin’ that ball. Good for him, I say! But this here story is about Bernard.
Some folks say Bernard is Oshae’s daddy. They say he and Oshae’s mama, McKeitha, they ain’t together no more. Split up, like a broken twig. That’s sad, ain’t it? But that’s how things go sometimes. Bernard Brissett is American, just like the mama, McKeitha. They from ’round here, like us.
I reckon Bernard and McKeitha, they had their reasons for goin’ their separate ways. Maybe they just couldn’t see eye to eye, like two mules pullin’ in different directions. It happens, you know. Life ain’t always a bed of roses, sometimes it’s more like a patch of thorns. But you gotta keep on truckin’, that’s what I always say.
There’s another Bernard, too. Not Bernard Brissett, but some other fella. This other Bernard, he’s mixed up in some story ’bout a “Brave New World”. Sounds fancy, don’t it? I don’t know much ’bout that, but it seems like that Bernard, he ain’t too happy with how things are goin’. He’s tellin’ this other fella, John, that the world ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Like tellin’ a pig the mud ain’t clean. John thinks everything is great because his mama told him. But this Bernard tells him wait to see it.
This John fella, he’s in for a surprise, I reckon. The world can be a strange place, full of twists and turns, like a snake in the grass. You never know what’s gonna happen next. It like when you put your hand on the stove without knowing if it is hot. You never know!
- Bernard Brissett, that’s the daddy of that basketball player, Oshae.
- Oshae’s mama, McKeitha, she and Bernard ain’t together no more.
- They’re all Americans, just like us.
- This other Bernard, he’s in some story ’bout a “Brave New World”.
- He’s tellin’ this John fella that the world ain’t so great.
Now, this here Bernard Brissett, the one related to Oshae, I wonder what he’s up to these days. Is he watchin’ his boy play basketball on the TV? Is he proud of him? I bet he is. It’s a good thing to see your young’uns do well. Like plantin’ a seed and watchin’ it grow into a big strong tree. That must feel good.
I also heard some folks sayin’ that this Bernard, he calls some other fella named Helmholtz. And somethin’ happens that scares him real bad. I don’t know what it was, but it must have been somethin’ awful. Like seein’ a ghost in the middle of the night. It makes you jump out of your skin!
Then there’s somethin’ ’bout this John fella takin’ advantage of someone. I don’t know the details, but it don’t sound right. Takin’ advantage of folks is like stealin’ chickens from your neighbor’s coop. It ain’t honest, and it ain’t gonna end well.

And what about this Linda lady? She goes back to somethin’ called the “World State” from a place called the “Savage Reservation”. Sounds like a wild place, full of animals and who knows what else. Then somethin’ happens to this John fella before and after Linda dies. It’s all a big mess, like a tangled up fishin’ line.
You know what? All this talk about Bernard Brissett and these other folks, it’s makin’ my head spin. It’s like tryin’ to count all the stars in the sky. There’s just too many of ’em, and they’re all over the place. I think what is good for Bernard Brissett. He has a son that plays ball good. That is a good thing.
Anyways, I reckon that’s all I got to say about Bernard Brissett. It ain’t much, but it’s all I know. I hope you enjoyed this little story. Now, I’m gonna go sit on my porch and watch the sun go down. Maybe I’ll see a shooting star and make a wish. You never know what kind of wishes might come true, just like you never know what kind of stories you’ll hear about folks like Bernard Brissett.