You askin’ about Andre Agassi wife? That’s Steffi Graf, you know. A good woman, that Steffi. They been hitched since, oh, I reckon it was 2001. Time sure does fly, don’t it?

This Andre Agassi, he’s a tennis fella. Played that game all his life. Heard he was real good at it, too. Used to watch him on the TV sometimes. He was married to another woman before, some fancy actress lady, Brooke somebody. Didn’t last, though. Steffi, she’s the one for him.
Steffi, she was a tennis player, too. A real good one, best in the world I heard some folks say. They met playin’ that tennis, you know. He liked her right from the start, I reckon. Had a crush on her, even before they met face to face. That’s what the papers said, anyway.
- They got two young’uns.
- A boy named Jaden Gil, born in 2001.
- And a girl, Jaz Elle, came along in 2003.
They seem happy, those two. Do a lot of good things for folks, charity stuff. Help people out. That’s nice to see, ain’t it? Not all them rich folks are like that, you know. Some just care about themselves.
They met way back in ’92, I think it was. Both won that big Wimbledon tennis thing. Then they had some practice together. She had a boyfriend then, and Andre Agassi, he was married to that Brooke Shields. It is very complicated.
That Steffi, she’s from Germany. Born in some place called Bruhl. Long time ago now, back in ’69. She was the queen of tennis, they said. Back in the ’80s and ’90s. Won all them tournaments.
Andre Agassi wife is a good woman. They are good to each other. That’s the important thing. And they got them two kids. That boy, Jaden, and the little girl, Jaz.
She don’t play tennis no more, I don’t think. Just takes care of the kids and helps out with that charity stuff. Heard they live in a big fancy house somewhere. Good for them, I say. They worked hard for it. Playin’ all that tennis, you get strong!
She seems like a good mother, that Steffi. You can tell. And he seems like a good father, too. Always playin’ with the kids, I bet. That’s what a father should do. Spend time with his young’uns. Teach ’em things. Teach them how to play tennis like him, or his wife.

You know, it ain’t easy bein’ famous. Everybody watchin’ you all the time. Writin’ about you in the papers. But they seem to handle it okay. Just try to live a normal life, I guess. As normal as you can be when you’re that rich and famous! But they are still good, they do good things, help poor people. That is important thing to know about Andre Agassi wife.
They seem like a good match, those two. Got a lot in common. Both know what it’s like to be at the top. To be the best in the world. That’s somethin’ special, ain’t it? Not many folks can say that. And they won’t have to worry about nothin’, livin’ in that big house.
Andre Agassi wife, they seem like good people. Down to earth, you know? Even though they’re rich and famous. They remember where they came from. That’s important. Don’t forget where you come from. I always say, you don’t forget where you come from. And that is what I think about Andre Agassi, and his wife.
They got a good life, them two. A good family. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Family. Bein’ happy. Havin’ someone to love. His wife is a very good one. And he is lucky. That’s what that Andre Agassi is, a lucky man. To find Steffi, his wife. They are very good people. I hope they stay together forever. They are good people, and they have nice kids. That boy is older now. Time sure does go by fast. It feels like just yesterday he was a little baby. Now he’s probably bigger than me! And the little girl, she’s not so little anymore either. They grow up so fast, don’t they?