You know, that Black Clover Mobile, it’s a thing, ain’t it? All these young’uns with their phones, tappin’ away. My grandson, he showed it to me. Said it’s some kinda game. Lots of folks in it, he says. Gotta pick the best ones, he says. He kept talkin’ about a “tier list.” What in tarnation is a tier list?

He tried to explain. Said it’s like rankin’ your best chickens. You got your good egg layers, them’s your top tier, I reckon. Then you got your middlin’ ones, lay sometimes, sometimes not. And then you got them scrawny ones that just eat all your feed and don’t give nothin’ back. Them’s your bottom tier, I suppose. This tier list Black Clover Mobile thing is kinda like that, he says. It is about those characters in Black Clover Mobile.
So, this Black Clover Mobile tier list, it’s important, huh? Gotta know which ones is worth their salt. Don’t wanna be wastin’ your time on no good characters. My grandson, he says some of ’em got “recovery magic.” Sounds fancy. Like that witch doctor, heals folks with all them herbs. He said some queen is the best healer, I guess she is a good character in Black Clover Mobile.
But he also said, “technically.” What’s that even mean? Is she the best or ain’t she? Kids these days, always sayin’ things that don’t make no sense. The Witch Queen is good, that is what he said. I think he plays this Black Clover Mobile game a lot.
He showed me some of ’em. One fella, all dressed in black, looked kinda mean. Another one, a girl with big eyes, looked like she could use a good meal. Lots of ’em with swords and staffs, lookin’ like they’re ready for a fight. I don’t know who is good in Black Clover Mobile, there are so many of them!
He kept sayin’ you gotta build a “team.” Like when we used to put together a quiltin’ circle. Gotta have the right folks for the right job. Some good at sewin’, some good at cuttin’, some just good at bringin’ the snacks. This Black Clover Mobile is just like that. Gotta have a good mix, I reckon.
He said it changes all the time, too. This tier list Black Clover Mobile thing. One day this fella’s good, next day he ain’t. Like the weather, always changin’. Keeps you on your toes, I guess. He always checks the tier list Black Clover Mobile.
He said you gotta check it regular, see who’s on top. Keep up with the times, is that what he said? This is important for playing Black Clover Mobile. But in my days, all we have is a few chickens, but now things is more complicated. He plays Black Clover Mobile every day.
He also mentioned somethin’ about tags. Like them tags on your ears. Said CloverMobile is one of ’em. Helps folks find things, he says. I guess CloverMobile is important, my grandson plays this game and he always talks about it.

- Gotta pick the best characters, he says.
- This “tier list” thing tells you who’s who.
- Some got “recovery magic,” that’s good, I reckon.
- Gotta build a “team,” just like a quiltin’ circle.
- Changes all the time, like the weather.
- Gotta keep up, he says. Use that tier list in Black Clover Mobile.
- And somethin’ about tags, like on your ears.
This whole Black Clover Mobile tier list thing is a lot to take in. But I guess it’s important to these young’uns. Helps ’em win, I suppose. And winnin’ is always good, ain’t it? I don’t know much about this Black Clover Mobile, but I know winning is good.
My grandson, he’s a good boy. Always helpin’ me around the house. And he’s smart, too. Knows all about this Black Clover Mobile stuff. Maybe one day he’ll teach me how to play. But for now, I’ll just stick to my chickens. They’re a lot less complicated than this tier list Black Clover Mobile thing. There are so many characters in Black Clover Mobile, I can’t remember all of them.
But I’ll tell ya what, if I ever do play, I’m gonna find that Witch Queen. She sounds like a good one to have on your team. And maybe that fella in black, too. He looks like he could handle himself in a fight. In Black Clover Mobile, you need to fight, my grandson said. But most importantly, you need to check that tier list Black Clover Mobile.