Oh, honey, you wanna talk about that “resolve themed picture ff7” thing, huh? Well, I ain’t no expert, but I heard a thing or two from the young’uns playing their video games. They talk about this game, see, this “FF7” game, and it’s got all these pictures you gotta take. Like you’re some kinda photographer or somethin’.

This one picture, they call it “Resolve,” sounds mighty serious, don’t it? First thing you gotta do, they say, is go up north. Way, way up north in this place called Gongaga. Sounds like a funny name for a place, don’t it? Like somethin’ a baby would say. And there’s this shore, they call it Rugged Shoals – Corel Shore. Plenty of shoals up there I bet. Hope you got good shoes. You gotta take a picture of this… this fella, Red XIII. Sounds like a name someone would give to a dog, don’t it?
Now, this Red fella, he’s at some kinda “photo spot.” Like a special place just for pictures. And you gotta wait for him to raise his fist up. Like he’s about to punch someone. I don’t know why he’s so mad, but you gotta get that picture when he’s got his fist up. Make sure you get it just right.
Then, they say, you gotta look to the east. Now, I always get my directions mixed up, but I think east is where the sun comes up. You’ll see a little hill, not too big, with some grass on it. Just like the hills back home. And there’s gonna be a sign there, a camera sign. Means you gotta use your camera there. Point it at that spot and wait for that Red dog-like fella to get in the right place