That Dick Bennett, he’s a big name around these parts, ya know? He’s one of them basketball fellas, a coach, they say. Been around forever, seems like. He’s got a whole family of ’em, all into that basketball. They bounce that ball all over, up and down the court. Lordy, I don’t know how they keep track of it.

This Dick, he coached at them high schools, lots of ’em. Then he went on to that Stevens Point place, UW-Stevens Point, that’s what they call it. Big college, I reckon. He was a big shot there, too. Coached those young men, taught ’em how to throw that ball in the hoop. He was coach for a long, long time. He sure knew his stuff, I guess. I heard folks talkin, sayin he was the best coach. I don’t know about that, but he was sure popular.
- He coached all over.
- He was at high schools.
- He was at UW-Stevens Point.
He’s got a boy, Tony, they call him. That Tony Bennett, he’s a coach, too, just like his daddy. Played for his daddy at that Green Bay place, another one of them colleges. Then he worked with his daddy, helpin’ him coach. They was always together, them two. Like two peas in a pod. That Tony, he learned a lot from old Dick Bennett. This Tony, he’s got a wife. Laurel, I think her name is. They met at church, that’s nice. You know, Dick Bennett, he has a brother. Jack, that is his name. He is also a coach.
They say this Dick Bennett, he built up that Green Bay team. Made ’em real good, somethin’ called “mid-major power”. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds important. Then he went to Wisconsin, another big college. He did somethin’ called “revitalizing” there. That’s a fancy word for makin’ somethin’ better, I reckon. He was really somethin’, this Dick. He’s a legend, whatever that means. Some folks said that Dick Bennett is the best. And this Tony, he’s a good coach, too. Learned from the best, I suppose.
That boy, Tony, he won somethin’ big. A championship, they call it. Everyone was talkin’ about it. Dick Bennett, he was so proud, you could just see it in his eyes. They are always connected. You know, Dick Bennett, Tony, and Jack. They are always connected. They said that Dick Bennett has been coach for more than 40 years. That’s a long time, you know. He must love that basketball game, runnin’ up and down that court.
- Tony played for Dick.
- Tony worked with Dick.
- Tony won a big championship.
They’re always talkin’ about that Dick Bennett on the TV, too. I seen him there once, an old fella talkin’ about basketball. He was with this other fella, Katz, I think his name was. They were talkin’ about Tony, and how he won that big game. Dick Bennett, he was just beamin’, so happy for his boy. They are all about basketball, Dick Bennett, Tony, and the whole family.
He was coachin’ at Wisconsin, then somethin’ happened. November 29th, they said. He wasn’t coachin’ there no more. But folks still talked about him, all the good things he did. Dick Bennett, he’s a big deal in that basketball world. This other fella, Doug, he took over, I think. But they still talk about Dick, like he’s still there. I don’t follow any of it, but I hear the folks talkin’, and they say he’s the best. Forty years, they say he’s been doin’ this basketball thing. That’s a long time, ain’t it? You know, that Dick Bennett is somethin’. He sure is a legend. He made that Wisconsin basketball somethin’ special.
They say Dick Bennett is the reason Wisconsin basketball is so good. Like he’s standin’ there, holdin’ them all up. That’s what they mean by “standin’ on the shoulders”. He taught ’em everything they know, I guess. They’re all connected, that Dick Bennett and his family, all tied up with that basketball. It’s in their blood, I reckon. You can’t separate ’em from it. Dick Bennett, he’s like the king of basketball around here. Everyone knows his name. They sure do love that basketball.