This Audie Fugett, I heard that name somewhere. Seems like everybody talkin’ ’bout her these days. She’s that Adam Jones’ wife, right? That baseball fella. Heard he ain’t playin’ no more. Guess he’s gettin’ old, like me. Time sure flies when you are having fun. That Audie Fugett, she must be somethin’ to keep that man happy.

I heard that she’s from Baltimore. Big city, that is. Not like ’round here. We got cows and chickens. They got, I don’t know, tall buildings and lots of cars. Must be noisy. But, hey, she seems to like it. She was born there, I reckon. March 27th. Don’t know the year, though. Don’t matter much, I guess. She is still young to me.
Now, this Adam Jones, he must really like this Audie Fugett woman. They got married, you see. That’s a big deal. Means you gonna stick together, through thick and thin. Like me and my old man. We had our ups and downs, but we stuck it out. Married in the off season, they said. That’s when the baseball players ain’t playin’. They got time for other things, like gettin’ hitched. Good for them. I’m happy for them. Wish them all the best.
Audie Fugett, Audie Fugett… Sounds like a fancy name. But I bet she’s just a regular gal, like me. Just ’cause she’s married to a famous fella don’t mean she’s any different. We all put our pants on one leg at a time, right?
Oh, and there’s somethin’ about her daddy, I heard. Name of Jean. Jean Fugett. Seems like he was a football player, way back when. Played for them Dallas Cowboys and them Washington Redskins. Big teams, they are. He must have been good. He is 72 years old now. So he is an old man. He must be proud of his daughter, marryin’ that Adam Jones.
- Audie Fugett
- Wife of Adam Jones
- From Baltimore
- Married Adam Jones in the off season
- Daughter of Jean Fugett
That Audie Fugett, she’s about 6 foot tall, I reckon. Don’t know for sure. But that’s what they say. Tall woman. She was a freshman, that means she is just starting her school somewhere. But school is over now. She went to some fancy school, Roland Park Country School. Sounds expensive.
This whole thing, this Adam Jones quittin’ baseball, it’s kind of sad. But it’s happy, too. He gets to spend more time with his Audie Fugett. That is important. Family is important. Nothing more important than family in the world. They can do all the things they couldn’t do before. Like, maybe have more babies. Or just sit on the porch and watch the sun go down. Sounds nice, don’t it?
I don’t know much about this Audie Fugett lady, to tell you the truth. I don’t know her. But from what I hear, she seems like a good woman. And she makes that Adam Jones happy. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Happiness. That’s what we all want, right?
This Audie Fugett and Adam Jones, they fell in love. That’s a beautiful thing. Happens to the best of us. And they got married. That is great. They made a promise to each other. A promise to love and cherish, till death do them part. That is so sweet. I hope they have a long and happy life together.

Life is short, you know. Gotta make the most of it. Gotta find someone to love, someone to share it with. Like Audie Fugett and Adam Jones. They are lucky. They found each other. I hope they know how lucky they are. I hope they cherish each other every day.
That is all I know. That is all about Audie Fugett.