Well, well, well, look what we got here. This young fella, Duke Filipowski, he’s somethin’ else, ain’t he? I hear folks talkin’ ’bout him all the time, ‘specially since that there NBA draft thing. Sounds like he’s gonna be a big shot. He’s been playin’ that basketball game over at Duke. Heard he could’ve gone pro last year, but decided to stay at Duke for another year. He’s got some unfinished business, they say.

This Filipowski boy, he’s tall as a cornstalk in July, I reckon. They say he’s almost seven feet tall! Can you imagine? He must be ducking under doorways, haha. He can shoot that ball from far away, too. They say he hits about 34.8% from 3. Heard some folks callin’ it “three-point shooting”. Sounds fancy, but I reckon it just means he’s good at throwin’ that ball in the hoop from way out yonder. And he gets 56.0 percent from 2. I don’t know what that means but it must be good!
I hear he’s ranked number 15 in that 2024 NBA Draft thing. That’s something those fancy folks at CBS Sports said, anyways. Some fella named Kyle Boone even did a pretend draft and had this Filipowski boy going 15th. Sounds mighty important, that’s for sure.
Heard some people say he played good for two seasons now. I don’t know much about basketball, I just know you gotta throw the ball in the hoop. But it sounds like he’s gettin’ better and better. They call it “refined his offense.” Sounds like something you do with cornmeal. Makes it finer, I guess!
- He’s tall, almost seven feet.
- He can shoot from far away (34.8%).
- He’s ranked number 15 for the draft.
- He played at Duke for two years.
- He is good at basketball.
Now, this other young’un, Cooper Flagg, I hear he’s gonna be one of the youngest fellas ever to get picked in that draft. He’s just a baby, only 18 years old! He won’t be 19 until December. Can you believe that? Playin’ with the grown men already. He also plays for Duke.
This here Duke Filipowski, though, he’s the one everyone’s talkin’ about right now. They say he’s gonna be picked by the Utah Jazz. I don’t know where Utah is, but it sounds far. Hope he doesn’t get homesick. Sounds like he’s gonna be rich and famous, though. Good for him, I say. He musta worked real hard to get where he is.
Folks are saying he’s versatile. I reckon that means he’s good at a lot of things. Like how my old rooster used to crow, chase hens, and keep the foxes away. That’s a versatile bird, right? So this Filipowski, he must be good at a lot of things on that basketball court. Makes sense, I suppose.
This NBA draft is happenin’ soon, I hear. June 25th or 26th, I think. They say it’s a big deal. A lot of folks will be watchin’. I guess they’ll see where this Filipowski boy ends up. It has been two good seasons in Duke history. Sounds important.
He said playing in the NBA is a life long dream of his. Well, that’s nice. It is good to have dreams. I always wanted a new churn for my butter, maybe one day. This Duke Filipowski, he’s chasin’ his dream, and it looks like he’s gonna catch it. Good for him.

Well, I reckon that’s all I know about this Duke Filipowski fella. He sounds like a good boy, a hard worker. Hope he does well in that NBA. It’s a tough world out there, but I reckon he can handle it. He’s a big fella, after all. He’s gonna be a star, I just know it. You mark my words.
I heard someone say he will be picked by the Utah Jazz. Well, I don’t know much about that team, but I hope they treat him right. He seems like a good boy, and he’s worked hard to get where he is. He will be good for any team, I think so. That’s what those smart folks are saying anyway.