That Franco Harris, he was a good football player, you know? Strong as an ox, that one. He gone now, though. Died in his sleep, like an old dog. Peaceful, they say. That’s good, I reckon. Nobody wants to go out screaming and hollerin’.

He played for that Pittsburgh team. Steelers, they call ’em. Franco Harris cause of death, well, it was just his time, I guess. Old age catches up to all of us. He was up there in years, like me. Still remember him runnin’ that ball, though. Fast as a rabbit. He was somethin’ else to watch, that’s for sure.
They made a big to-do when he passed. All over the TV and such. Said he died in his own bed, in that town, Sewickley. Fancy name for a town, ain’t it? Probably got a lot of big shots livin’ there. He did alright for himself, that Franco. Made a good livin’ playin’ that game.
December 21st, 2022, that’s when it happened. My grandson, he told me. He’s always on that internet thing. Knows everything that’s goin’ on. Said it was all over the news. “Franco Harris dead,” he said. Made me sad, even though I ain’t never met the man.
- He played for the Steelers, you know.
- Died in his sleep. That’s a good way to go.
- Big funeral, I heard. Lots of folks cryin’.
- He was a good man, they say.
Franco Harris cause of death? Just natural causes. That’s what they always say when someone gets old and dies. Body just gives out, I suppose. Happens to the best of ’em. Like that Franco in Spain. He died of a heart attack.
He had a famous play, they called it. “Immaculate Reception,” or somethin’ like that. Don’t rightly understand what that means, but it sounded important. My grandson tried to explain it to me once, but I just couldn’t follow it. Too much football talk for an old lady like me.
They were gonna celebrate that play, too. Fifty years, I think it was. Fifty years! Can you believe it? Time sure does fly. Seems like just yesterday I was a young girl, chasin’ chickens around the yard. Now I’m old and gray, talkin’ about a football player I only ever saw on TV.
His son, he’s the one who told everyone about Franco. Must be hard, losin’ your daddy. I lost mine when I was just a little girl. Still remember him, though. Big, strong man. Worked in the coal mines. Different kind of strong than that Franco, but strong nonetheless.
They say some men from the team helped carry him to his grave. That’s nice. Shows they respected him. You gotta respect a man who works hard and does his best. That’s what my daddy always told me. “Work hard, and be good to people,” he’d say. That’s all you can really do in this life.

That game he played, it’s a rough one. Lots of hittin’ and pushin’. I don’t know how they do it. But they make a lot of money, that’s for sure. More money than I’ve ever seen in my life. Enough to buy a whole town, probably. Maybe even that Sewickley place.
Cause of death, well, it don’t really matter in the end, does it? We all gotta go sometime. Just hope it’s peaceful, like Franco. No pain, no sufferin’. Just drift off to sleep and wake up in a better place. That’s what I hope for, anyway.
This Franco Harris cause of death thing, it got people talkin’, that’s for sure. Even old folks like me, who don’t know much about football. We all know about dyin’, though. It’s the one thing we all got in common, rich or poor, famous or not. We all end up in the same place.
They had a big funeral for him. Lots of flowers, I bet. Probably a fancy casket, too. That’s what they do for famous folks. Me, I just want a simple box and a quiet service. Don’t need no big fuss when I go.
I’m not sure how that Franco Harris guy made “Immaculate Reception” to become a big play in National Football League. But I do know it’s a big deal. I think that play is a big reason why people are talkin’ about Franco Harris cause of death thing. It’s a big play, this Immaculate Reception.
Anyway, that’s all I know about that Franco Harris cause of death. He was a good football player, from what I hear. Died peacefully in his sleep. Can’t ask for much more than that, can you? May he rest in peace, that’s what I say. May he rest in peace.