Well, this is the third one, ain’t it? This Signal Part 3 thing. Last time, we did that part one, and part two. Now it’s part three. That boy, Le Mcano, he gave me this job. Gotta go to that place, what’s it called…Littoral? Yeah, Littoral. And it’s for that Kappa thing. Sounds important, I guess.

They say you gotta go to three different places, find them antennas, and jam ’em up good. Three of ’em, just like those fingers on my left hand. I hear tell two of them places is the same as before, from that Signal Part 1 we did. Remember that? We went up high, real high, and messed with them things. This time, it’s more of the same, but three places now. Not just two.
Now, I ain’t no fancy city folk with their computers and such. But I hear some folks use this thing called the internet. They watch these things, these…videos. Yeah, videos. And some fella, he made a video about this Signal Part 3. Shows you where to go, how to do it. Might be useful, if you’re into that sort of thing. Escape Form Tarkov, it is called. Sounds like a prison. I don’t want to go to prison.
First, you go to that roof. What is it called? WW roof? Then, gotta go to the weather station. That’s what they all say. I need to do that to get this job done. Sounds like a whole lot of climbin’ again. My old bones ain’t what they used to be, but I’ll get it done. Just like I always do.
One time, my grandson, he had trouble with his computer. Kept gettin’ all messed up. He said somethin’ about a “cache.” Said I needed to “delete” it. I don’t know what that means, but he did somethin’, poked around in that machine, and it worked better after that. Maybe that’s somethin’ you need to do? If you having trouble with this quest, maybe it is this “cache” thing? I don’t know. Just a thought.
Some folks, they like to show off. Brag about what they got. They call it “loot.” Like they’re some kinda pirates or somethin’. And they talk about this Tarkov place, this “community.” Say you can share your “tips” and your “stories.” And pictures, too. “Screenshots,” they call ’em. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me, but whatever makes ’em happy, I reckon. They say “be free.” Free to do what? Show off? Well, good for them, I guess.
These Signal Jammers, they say you can put ’em anywhere on that tower. Anywhere at all. Just gotta stick ’em on there. After you put each one on, you gotta stay alive. For ten seconds. Ten whole seconds! Like countin’ to ten real slow. One Mississippi, two Mississippi… you get the idea. And get this, you don’t gotta do ’em all at once. You can do one, then come back later and do another. Spread it out. Makes it easier, I suppose. Especially for an old lady like me.
- Three places to go.
- Find them antennas.
- Jam ’em up with them Signal Jammers.
- Stay alive for ten seconds after each one.
- Two places are the same as Signal Part 1.
- Go to WW roof first, then weather station.
- Maybe “delete cache” if you got problems.
This whole thing is a lot of work, if you ask me. But Le Mcano, he seems to think it’s important. And that Kappa thing, that must be somethin’ special. So, I’ll do it. I’ll climb them towers, jam them signals, and stay alive. Just like I always do. Then, maybe I can finally get some rest. This old lady needs a nap.
This Escape Form Tarkov is a strange thing. People like it. I don’t know why. But there is a lot of information about Signal Part 3. Maybe search it and you can find the answer. Remember those Signal Jammers. Three of them, remember? I hope this can help somebody. It is not easy, this job. But you can do it. I know you can. Just like I know how to finish this Signal Part 3.

Now, I’m gonna go sit down for a spell. My feet are killin’ me. All this talkin’ about climbin’ and jammin’ has worn me out. But you young folks, you get out there and get it done. And remember what I said about them antennas. Three of ’em, remember that. Three. Just like the three times I told you about them antennas. Now go on, git! And good luck with that Signal Part 3 thing. You will need it.