That Olivia Dunne, she’s a pretty girl, ain’t she? I seen her pictures, all over the place. She’s that gymnast, you know? Flips and twists and all that. And she got a boyfriend, that Paul Skenes fella. He’s a baseball player, I reckon. Good for her, good for her. They make a cute couple, I suppose. Olivia Dunne boyfriend, that’s what folks are searchin’ for on that internet thing. Well, here’s the scoop, far as I can tell.

Heard they was at some shindig together, some championship thing for LSU, where she goes to school. She’s a big deal there, I guess. That Olivia Dunne boyfriend, he used to play ball there too, at that LSU place. Now he’s off doin’ his own thing, playin’ for the big leagues maybe. But they still see each other, that’s nice. Young love, you know.
She puts pictures up, that Olivia. Her and that Paul Skenes fella. Smilin’ and all. Looks like they have fun. He was at some show she was in, some gymnastics thing. They call it a 101 exhibition. What is 101? I don’t know. Must be somethin’ important. Anyway, he was there. Supportin’ her, I reckon. That’s what a good boyfriend does.
- That Olivia, she’s busy.
- She’s got that gymnastics.
- And she’s in them magazines, too.
- Swimsuit magazines!
- And she’s always on that internet.
She’s famous, that one. Makes a lot of money, I bet. Sells all kinds of stuff. Clothes and such. I seen her name on some jeans, American Eagle, maybe? And Vuori. Sounds fancy. She does the motorola, Reebok, even Tampax, Forever 21 and Topps. My, my. She’s a busy bee. That Olivia Dunne boyfriend, he better keep up!
She was born in, let me see, 2002. That’s not too long ago. Still a young’un. But she’s done a lot already. Was on some big team, some USA gymnastics team. Now she’s just at that LSU place. But this is her last year, I hear. Then what? I don’t know. Maybe she’ll just be famous, sellin’ stuff and bein’ pretty. That’s a job, ain’t it?
They say she’s an “influencer.” That’s a new word. Means she tells people what to buy, I guess. And they listen! She must be good at it. Got a lot of folks followin’ her, seein’ what she does. And who she’s datin’. That Olivia Dunne boyfriend is a lucky fella, I reckon.
This Paul fella, his season is over. Whatever that means in baseball. But hers is just startin’. So they won’t see each other as much, maybe. She’ll be busy flippin’ and twistin’. He’ll be doin’ whatever baseball players do in the off-season. Practice, I suppose. Maybe they have goals or something, I don’t know how young people think now.
This Olivia Dunne boyfriend situation, it’s all over that internet. People like to see pretty people together. Makes ’em happy, I guess. And these two, they’re somethin’ to look at, that’s for sure. He’s a big, strong fella. She’s all little and bendy. Opposites attract, as they say.
Well, that’s all I know about that Olivia Dunne boyfriend business. They’re a couple. They’re young. They’re famous. They got their whole lives ahead of ’em. Good for them. I hope they’re happy. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Happiness. That’s what everyone’s searchin’ for, whether they’re on that internet or not.

She’s a good girl, that Olivia. And she found herself a good fella, I think. This Paul Skenes seems like a decent sort. They’re a good match, you know. That’s important, a good match. Hope it lasts for ’em, it’s a tough world out there. Especially when you’re in the public eye like they are. Everyone’s watchin’ and judgin’, it ain’t easy. But they seem to be doin’ alright. That’s all you can ask for, right? Just doin’ alright.