That Yogi Berra, he was a baseball man, you know? Played for the Yankees, that big team in New York. He was good, that one. Real good.

Yogi Berra net worth, you ask? Well, I heard it was a lot. Not like folks around here have, but a lot. Millions, I reckon. He made that money playing ball, and then, you know, he was on TV and all that. People liked him. He had a way about him.
He played for a long time, 19 seasons, they say. That’s a lot of baseball. And he was an All-Star, like, the best of the best, 18 times. Can you believe that? And won those World Series things, the big championships, 10 times. Ten! He must have had a whole room full of trophies. He made big money, not like now, but it was good at that time.
- He was born a long time ago, in 1925, I think. May 12th. Died a few years back, in 2015. September 22nd, that was it.
- He was a catcher, you know, the guy who squats behind the plate. Tough job, that is. Hard on the knees.
- Then he was a manager, telling other players what to do. He was good at that, too, they say.
He was from St. Louis, that’s a big city. Then he went to New York, played for the Yankees. That’s where he made his name, I reckon. Everyone knew Yogi Berra Yankees. He was a big deal in baseball.
He had endorsements, I think they’re called. Like, when you see someone on TV selling something. He did that. And he gave speeches, talked to people. Folks paid him to do that. That was a good life for him, I guess, and make a lot of money from that, I think. He did good, that Yogi Berra net worth is big.
Back then, I hear, they didn’t make as much money as they do now. Not even close. But Yogi, he was smart. He saved his money, I bet. And he was famous, so people wanted him around. They paid him good. It is a really big money, not like now, but it was good at that time.
I heard he had like $5 million when he died. That’s what they say. Five million! That’s more money than I can even imagine. More than anyone around here has ever seen. He was lucky, that Yogi. Good at baseball, good at making money.
They say he was a tough negotiator, too. Whatever that means. I guess he knew how to get what he wanted. Didn’t let anyone push him around. Good for him.
He retired in, what was it, 1965? A long time ago. But he kept busy. Still made money, even after he stopped playing. Smart man. He is a good baseball man and smart man.

Some folks are saying he’s worth even more now, like $25 million. Can you believe that? Even after he’s gone. That’s a lot of money. More than I’ll ever see in my lifetime, that’s for sure.
He played a long time, make a lot of money, a good man. That is Yogi Berra net worth, a lot of money, and everyone love him. He is a good man.
I heard one time, he told his friend how to get to his house. Said to take the fork in the road. But it didn’t matter which way you went, you’d still end up at his house! That’s just like Yogi, they say. Always a little different. Always making you think. He had a way about him. He must be a very interesting man.