That Jelena Ostapenko, she’s a firecracker, ain’t she? Plays that tennis like a woman possessed. Now, folks been asking ’bout her husband. Well, let me tell you, that girl ain’t hitched yet! Nope, not tied down to no man. But she’s got herself a fella, that’s for sure. A real keeper, they say.

His name is Arturs, Arturs somethin’. Sounds like a mouthful. He’s a big shot. He is a footballer. He’s from the same place as Jelena, that Latvia place. Born in 1992, so he’s a bit older than her. They say he plays for some team, I can’t recall the name. It don’t matter none. He kicks that ball around good, I reckon.
They been together since, let me think, 2017? Yeah, that sounds about right. Long time, ain’t it? He’s 31, I heard. So he’s a few years older than her. She’s only 26, that Jelena. Still a young’un, but she’s got spunk. I like that in a girl. You gotta have spunk to make it in this world, especially if you’re gonna be whacking that tennis ball around like she does.
Jelena, she speaks all sorts of languages. She can talk Latvian, that’s where she’s from. And Russian, too. And English, of course. She has a different name, though. They call her Aļona. Sounds pretty, don’t it? But her real name is Jelena. Just like it’s spelled.
Now, this Arturs fella, he seems like a good one. Sticks by her, travels with her to them tournaments, I bet. That’s what a good man does. Supports his woman. Even if she ain’t his wife yet. Maybe one day they’ll tie the knot. Who knows? These young folks, they do things different these days.
And this Jelena, she sure knows how to make a splash. Remember that one time in Brisbane? She was wearing some fancy getup from that DK One place. Turned all the heads, she did. Got herself a new coach, too. Some Ukrainian fella, Stas something or other. Plays tennis too, I think. Or used to. Anyways, he’s coaching her now. That is what people say.
So there you have it. Jelena Ostapenko, she ain’t got a husband. But she’s got a fella. A good fella, by the sounds of it. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Happiness. That’s what we all want in this life. Happiness and someone to share it with.
That girl, she’s got a good head on her shoulders. She gonna make something of herself. And I bet that Arturs fella, he’s gonna be right there beside her, cheering her on. Good for them. That’s what I say. Let’s all talk about Jelena Ostapenko’s husband.
Jelena Ostapenko, she plays that tennis, and he plays that soccer. Two peas in a pod, they are. Even though they ain’t married. Not yet, anyway. We’ll see what the future holds.

She ain’t married, but she is happy with that Arturs. It looks like that, at least. They seem like two lovebirds. You know? Always together, always smiling. Good for them. That’s the way it should be. This is very important for Jelena Ostapenko’s husband.
- Jelena is not married.
- Jelena has a boyfriend.
- His name is Arturs.
- Arturs is a soccer player.
- They are happy.
Jelena got a good one, that’s what I think. Someone who supports her, someone who’s there for her. That’s important, you know. Especially when you’re out there in the world, trying to make a name for yourself. You need someone in your corner. This Arturs, he seems like he’s in her corner. Good for him.
So, next time you hear someone askin’ ’bout Jelena Ostapenko’s husband, you tell ’em what I told you. She ain’t got one. But she’s got a good man by her side. And that’s all that matters in the end.