You know what? This thing, this beastcoast esports, it’s all the rage these days. My grandson, he’s always glued to that screen, yelling about it. Says it’s a big deal, this esports thing. He’s a good boy, but I don’t get all this fuss. Back in my day, we played outside.

But he says this beastcoast, they’re like, a team. A team of what, you ask? A team of… gamers. They play these video games, and they’re real good at it. Like, best in the world good. They play games like… Rainbow Six? Sounds like a kid’s game to me. And that Smash, Dota 2, Guilty Gear Strive, those are some other ones, I think. I don’t know.
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Smash
- Dota 2
- Guilty Gear Strive
They got teams for all these games, these beastcoast folks. They are from America. Or North America, my grandson corrects me. And they are professional. Professional what? Professional gamers! Can you believe it? They make money playing games!
My grandson, he wants to be a pro gamer. He says, “Grandma, it’s the future!” He says it’s a big deal, and you need to know all about it. What is esports? He says it’s like sports, but on the computer. Competing and winning. Like a competition, but with games. I told him, “In my day, we competed in the fields, husking corn!” He just rolled his eyes.
They win these tournaments, these beastcoast team, and they get money. Lots of money, apparently. He showed me once, it was more money than I’ve seen in my whole life! It is a big business. And these players, they’re like… stars. It’s like those movie stars, but for games. Crazy, right?
So this beastcoast esports, they are big time in this world. My grandson, he keeps talking about some other teams, too. FaZe Clan, Team Liquid. I don’t know what those names mean. They sound like gangs to me. But they play against beastcoast, I guess. Big rivalries. Like the feuds we used to have with the Millers over the property line. Only, instead of arguing, they play these games.
This whole esports thing, it’s a lot to take in. They say you need skills to be a pro gamer. What skills, you ask? I don’t know, fast fingers? Good eyesight? My grandson says it’s more than that. He says you need to think fast, work as a team, and practice a lot. Just like farming, I told him. You gotta work hard, no matter what you do.
He says there are steps to become a pro gamer. Steps? Like climbing a ladder? He says you gotta play a lot, get good, join a team, and win tournaments. Sounds simple enough, but I bet it’s harder than it sounds.
This beastcoast esports, they are good at what they do. They are making a name for themselves. They even “wiped out” this FaZe Clan, whatever that means. It is like winning a big prize at the county fair. Big deal! They’re the best, I guess. Or one of the best. There’s always someone trying to be better.

So this is what my grandson tells me about this beastcoast esports. It’s a whole new world out there. A world of video games and competition and money. A world I don’t fully understand, but I’m trying. For my grandson. He’s a good boy. He says this is the future. Maybe he’s right.
I still think they should get outside more, though. Fresh air never hurt anyone. And who knows, maybe I’ll try one of these games sometime. Maybe. But don’t tell my grandson. He’d probably laugh. But this esports, this beastcoast esports, it’s something, ain’t it? It is a big thing now. You can make money, big money. People all know about this thing. A lot of young people, they want to be a pro gamer. It is a new way. Like a new way to farm. Maybe it’s not so bad. Maybe it’s the future, like my grandson says. Who knows?