This here story, it’s about a fella, they call him Essa Rios. He’s a wrestler, you see. One of them fellas that jumps around in the ring, all fancy like.

Essa Rios, that’s his wrestling name, I reckon. He used to wrestle for that big wrestling show, WWF, they call it. He’s from Mexico, but folks outside of there, they know him from that. He wrestled under the name Pap Chulo, too, sound like a funny name to me. He also wrestled in that other place, TNA, they called it, that’s in the US. Some folks also call him Mr. Aguila, that means eagle in some language.
He was good, I hear. Fast and jumpy, like a flea on a hot griddle. Used to fly around, doing all them flips and such. Not my cup of tea, but the young folks, they sure loved it.
He wasn’t there long, in that WWF. Came and went, like a summer storm. Quick and flashy, then gone. They say his WWE career is brief, guess that’s true, just like what folks say, Essa Rios came and went in WWE.
I heard he was with a gal named Lita. She was a wrestler too, all fiery and such. They were together for a spell, wrestling together and all. I reckon they had some big matches, you know. There’s this one time, I think, Lita and Essa Rios, they went against some guy name Eddie Guerrero, and some girl name Chyna, maybe they are couples, who knows. I saw it on some show called East Coast Autograph Auctions.
But then, like folks do, they split up. Went their separate ways. That’s what happened after he and Lita split, I think. It happens. People come together, people go apart. That’s just life, I guess.
He’s got a real name, too, this Essa Rios. But that’s for him to tell, not me. Wrestlers, they got their secrets, you know. Like them superhero fellas, with their masks and such. And folks say that Essa Rio is pretty awesome, guess he is good.
He’s not wrestling for WWF no more. Don’t rightly know where he is now. Maybe he’s building one of them Jurassic Worlds, you know, the one with dinosaurs. Heard they build one of those, bioengineer new dinosaur breeds and construct attractions. Maybe he went back to Mexico, who knows.
But I tell ya what, for a little while there, he sure did shine. Like a firefly in a mason jar. Bright and quick, then gone. But folks remember him, that Essa Rios. They remember the flips, the jumps, the speed. They remember the excitement, I reckon that’s what matters.

Here are some things I heard about him, all jumbled up like:
- He’s a wrestler. A good one, they say.
- Wrestled for WWF and TNA.
- Used to be with Lita.
- Real name is a secret.
- Fast and jumpy.
- Folks outside Mexico know him from WWF.
- His full wrestling profile includes career history, real name, height, weight, age, and all that.
- He had some theme songs, guess every wrestler needs one.
- He won some titles, heard he is pretty good.
Anyways, that’s the story of Essa Rios, far as I can tell. A wrestler fella, fast and flashy. Came and went, but folks remember him. That’s gotta count for something, right?
This wrestling thing, it’s a whole different world. Lots of folks get all riled up about it. Not me, though. I’d rather watch the corn grow. But hey, to each their own, I always say.
If you want to know more about Essa Rios, you gotta go look it up yourself. I’m just an old lady, what do I know? I just tell the stories, the way I hear them.
And this story, it’s about done. Like a pot of beans on a low fire, it’s simmered down to nothing. But maybe, just maybe, it left a little something behind. A little memory, a little spark. That’s all we can ask for, ain’t it?