This here thing, they call it vaseid, I reckon. Sounds fancy, don’t it? Well, I ain’t never heard of such a thing before, but I’ll tell ya what I think it is. Maybe it is some kinda god from long long ago.

They say you gotta put some old weapons on some kinda stand. Like that old rusty axe you use for choppin’ wood. Put that on top of this vaseid fella’s stand. Where is it? Oh, somewhere around, like at, uh, X:74 Y:69. Just look around, you’ll find it. It’s a place they put things, I guess.
Then, there’s another fella, Seed. Sounds like somethin’ you plant in the ground, huh? You gotta put a warhammer, a big ol’ hammer for fightin’, on his stand. That’s at X:77 Y:75, or thereabouts. Just wander around til you see it. Don’t get lost now!
And then there is Stockhold. He gets a mace. Now, I don’t know what a mace is exactly, but it sounds like somethin’ you’d whack someone with. Put that on his spot, which is around X:75 Y:71. They sure do like puttin’ things on stands, don’t they? I just put things on the floor, much easier.
This vaseid fella, they got a picture of him, all colorful and fancy. Looks like a regular fella with light skin, and a big ol’ beard. Nothin’ special, just a regular lookin’ man if you ask me. Reminds me of old man Johnson down the road.
I heard somethin’ about some kinda scanner, a bar code thing. Like the ones they use at the grocery store. They say if you scan a patient’s wrist thingy, and then you scan some medicine, and they don’t match, well, then there’s trouble. You gotta make sure the right medicine goes to the right person, I guess. Makes sense, don’t want to give someone the wrong stuff.
- Scan the patient’s wrist.
- Scan the medicine.
- Make sure they match.
- If they don’t match, don’t give the medicine.
And this Bing thing, like a search engine or somethin’? Well, I don’t know nothin’ about that. I just ask my grandkids to look things up for me. They’re always on those computer machines. If you wanna get rid of it, ask someone younger, they’ll know. I just stick to my garden.
Secure Boot? Sounds important, don’t it? I reckon it’s like lockin’ your door at night. It keeps the bad things out. If somethin’ ain’t right, it won’t let it in. Somethin’ about a signature, like when you sign your name on a check. If the signature ain’t right, they won’t take it. Same idea, I suppose.
This System Restore, it’s like turnin’ back time. Like when you make a mistake in your quiltin’, you gotta rip out the stitches and start over. This thing, it puts your computer back to how it was before. Saves your bacon sometimes, I hear. It’s a good thing, I think it makes save points, like saving your game before some big monster comes.

Blueprints, now that’s somethin’ I can understand. It’s like a pattern for a quilt. It shows you where all the pieces go. If you’re buildin’ a house, you need a blueprint, or else you’ll end up with a mess. All those lines and drawings, it’s just showin’ you how to put it all together.
- How to read blueprints.
- Cutting plane line? What’s that?
- Read or dream? Just read the darn thing.
This buffer overflow thing, sounds complicated. Like when you try to put too much stuff in your basket, and it all spills out. I guess it’s the same with computers. Too much information, and it all goes haywire. Bad people can use it to do bad things, they say. Just be careful what you click on, I guess.
PII, well, that sounds like somethin’ personal. Like your name, your address, your birthday. Gotta keep that stuff safe. Don’t want people stealin’ your identity, whatever that means. It’s like keepin’ your money in a safe place. Don’t let anyone get their hands on it.
There are many types of PII. It is very important. Just don’t share it to other people.
So, this vaseid thing, maybe it’s important, maybe it ain’t. All I know is, there’s a lot of things in this world I don’t understand. But I reckon that’s okay. I got my garden, my family, and that’s all that really matters. Just keep things simple, that’s what I always say.