Well, well, well, that young fella, Jackson Holliday, he finally got his first hit! Lord, it was about time! Been waitin’ on that like a hen on a hot griddle. This boy, he’s somethin’ else, I tell ya. Heard he’s just 20 years old. That’s younger than my youngest grandchild! And playin’ in the big leagues already? Back in my day, we were still chasin’ chickens at that age.

Heard he got married too. Some girl named Chloe. Pretty name. Got engaged down in Mexico, I hear. Fancy! We just got hitched at the courthouse down the road. But hey, times are changin’, I reckon. Hope they’re happy, those two lovebirds. Marriage ain’t always easy, but it’s worth it if you find the right one. This Jackson Holliday first hit, it’s a big deal, folks are saying.
Now, this Jackson Holliday first hit, it happened in the seventh inning, they say. Against the… the Brewers, I think it was. That’s a team, right? Don’t know much about these teams, to be honest. Just know the Orioles are the ones to watch. That’s Jackson Holliday‘s team. And they won, 6-4, that’s what I heard. Good for them! Winning’s always better than losin’, that’s for sure. And this is his first hit, imagine that!
Heard some folks say this Jackson Holliday, he’s the number one, what do they call it, “prospect”? Sounds important. Means he’s real good, I guess. Like a prize-winning pig at the county fair. And his daddy, Matt, he played too. Runs in the family, I suppose. Like bad knees and a love for pie. It’s a big thing, this Jackson Holliday first hit.
They say he hit the ball so far, went clear over the fence. And a whole bunch of folks in the stands, they went runnin’ after it like a pack of hungry hounds chasin’ a rabbit. Must be worth somethin’, that ball. Maybe they can sell it, buy themselves a new tractor or somethin’. People love that stuff, these first hit balls. I wouldn’t pay a plug nickel for it, but hey, to each their own.
- This Jackson, he’s only 20. That’s young!
- He’s married. Good for him!
- That first hit was a big one. Over the fence!
- He’s on the Orioles. That’s a good team.
- Folks say he’s the best young player. Number one!
So, yeah, this Jackson Holliday, he’s got everyone talkin’. And that first hit, well, that’s just the beginnin’, I reckon. He’s gonna do big things, that boy. Just you wait and see. It is such big news! He’s gonna be famous, like that fella who sings about his boots or somethin’. Maybe even more famous than him, he is young after all.
They say this young Jackson Holliday, he hit a “grand slam” once. Don’t know what that means, exactly, but it sounds mighty impressive. Like hittin’ four birds with one stone. Or winnin’ the jackpot at the bingo hall. Anyway, someone caught that ball, too. And you know what? They gave it back to him! Can you believe it? Some folks are just good-hearted, I guess. Wouldn’t catch me doin’ that, though. I’d keep that ball, maybe put it on the shelf next to my porcelain cat collection. But hey, that’s just me. I bet he was happy to have this ball, it’s his first hit after all. They even met Jackson Holliday, that family.
Heard this Jackson Holliday fella is chasin’ a “World Series”. Sounds like a lot of work. Like tryin’ to herd cats. But if anyone can do it, it’s probably him. He’s got that look in his eye, like he’s gonna conquer the world. Or at least a baseball field. And at 20 years old, well, that’s just somethin’, ain’t it? Makes me feel old just thinkin’ about it. And that’s at 20, after his first hit, imagine what’s next.
So, there you have it. The story of Jackson Holliday and his first hit. A big moment for a young fella. Hope he keeps it up. Makes for a good story to tell the grandkids, that’s for sure. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll even learn all the rules of this baseball thing. But don’t hold your breath. I’m more of a checkers gal, myself.