That Rory, he’s a good boy, ain’t he? Play that golf game real good. Heard he got some major wins. Four of ’em, I reckon. That’s a lot, ain’t it? Four big ones! He must be good to get four major wins.

He swing that stick and hit that little ball. Goes far, that ball. He’s been playin’ since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. His daddy taught him, I heard. Taught him real good, too. He started playin’ over in that Holywood place. Got real good, real fast. That’s what they say, anyway. He must be good to have four Rory McIlroy major wins, though. Must be.
Now, I don’t know much ’bout this golf game. But I hear folks talkin’. They say he’s won a whole heap of times. More than twenty on that PGA Tour thing. And ten on some other one. DP World Tour, I think they call it. Sounds fancy, don’t it? He sure do play a lot, gettin’ all them Rory McIlroy major wins. Must be rich.
- He got 4 major wins
- He got 22 PGA Tour wins
- He got 10 DP World Tour wins
- He got some other wins, too.
He’s got some other wins, too. Somewhere called Australasia. Sounds far away. And three more wins somewhere else. They say he’s famous all over. That Rory, he just like to golf. He probably dream of more major wins. Probably think of them Rory McIlroy major wins all the time. Bet he does.
But I heard he ain’t won one of them big ones, them major wins, in a long time. Ten years, maybe? That’s a long time to not be gettin’ them Rory McIlroy major wins. Folks say he’s still good, though. Just ain’t been gettin’ them big wins lately. Maybe he’s just havin’ a dry spell. Happens to the best of ’em. Even that Scheffler fella, he’s good, too, they say. Number one, even. But Rory, he still hits that ball far. They’re just about the same that way, I hear.
Seems like that Rory, he just can’t hit that little ball just right sometimes. From a certain distance, anyway. I don’t rightly know what that means, but that’s what them folks say. They say that’s his problem. He just can’t hit it like that Scheffler fella from that distance. Hundred to one seventy-five yards. I don’t know. Sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me. But they say that’s why he ain’t gettin’ them Rory McIlroy major wins. Don’t know if he will get more. Maybe if he can hit better from that spot.
Heard he got mad the other day. Almost hit someone with his stick. Then he said he was sorry. That’s good, I reckon. Bein’ sorry is always good. He was playin’ at some fancy place. Muirfield Village, I think they call it. Didn’t win that one, neither. But he still did alright. Fifteenth, they said. Not bad, not bad. But that ain’t a major win, is it? He got four major wins, though. That’s for sure.
He’s gettin’ up there in age, that Rory. Thirty-five, I heard. Still young, but not as young as he used to be. Maybe that’s why he ain’t gettin’ them Rory McIlroy major wins like he used to. Time catches up to everyone, I reckon. Even that Rory.
They say his daddy, Gerry, was a good player, too. Taught Rory everything he knows. Must be proud of his boy, with all them wins. Especially them four major wins. That’s somethin’ to be proud of, ain’t it? Them Rory McIlroy major wins are special. Got to be.

I don’t know if he’ll win any more of them big ones, them major wins. But he’s had a good run, ain’t he? Four major wins is more than most folks can say. He’s made a good livin’ hittin’ that little ball around. Can’t fault him for that. And those Rory McIlroy major wins are somethin’ to remember.
He’s a good boy, that Rory. Just needs to hit that ball a little better, I reckon. Maybe then he’ll get some more of them Rory McIlroy major wins. We’ll see, I guess. We’ll see.