Oh, honey, let me tell you about this Scheffler fella. This Scheffler news, it’s been the talk of the town, I tell ya! This young man, he’s a golfer, you see. Plays that game with the little white ball and the sticks. He’s been in a bit of a pickle, that’s for sure.

They say he got himself tangled up with the police. Scheffler, bless his heart, got hauled down to the station. Four charges, they said! Can you believe it? Something about assaultin’ a police officer, second degree, whatever that means. And some criminal mischief, third degree, they called it. Sounds like a whole heap of trouble to me.
Now, that police officer, he got himself hurt, poor fella. They said he had some pain, and some swelling, and scrapes on his wrist and his knee. And his pants! Those uniform pants, all ripped up. They say they cost about eighty bucks. Eighty bucks for a pair of pants! That’s more than I spend on groceries in a month, I tell ya. They say those pants are ruined, can’t be fixed. What a waste.
But this Scheffler, he’s got himself a lawyer. A fancy one, I bet. Name of Steven Romines. This Romines fella, he says Scheffler didn’t do nothin’ wrong. Says he’s innocent as a newborn babe. Well, we’ll just have to see about that, won’t we? The truth always comes out in the wash, as they say.
This Scheffler, he’s a good golfer, though. Real good. They say he’s been winning all the tournaments. He’s so good, his caddie, that’s the fella who carries his golf clubs, his caddie is gonna make over 5 million dollars! Five million! Can you imagine? That’s more money than I’ve seen in my whole life, put together. This Scheffler news is something, yeah.
- That caddie’s name is Ted Scott.
- Ted Scott, that’s the caddie’s name.
- He’s gonna be rich!
- Richer than some of them other golfers, even.
They say this Ted Scott, just from Scheffler winning this year, he’s gonna get 2.6 million dollars. Just for carrying those clubs! It’s a crazy world we live in, ain’t it? It ain’t like my days.
I remember back when, we didn’t have much. We worked hard for every penny. Nobody was gettin’ millions for carryin’ golf clubs, I can tell you that much. But these young folks today, they live in a different world. This Scheffler news is hot now.
This Scottie Scheffler, he’s makin’ more money than those other fellas. Viktor Hovland, Tommy Fleetwood, Will Zalatoris, and even Justin Thomas. He’s beating them all! He must be somethin’ special on that golf course.
It’s all just a big mess, if you ask me. But that’s what they’re talkin’ about. This Scheffler and his troubles with the law, and his caddie gettin’ rich. It’s all over the news.

I don’t know what’s gonna happen to him. Maybe he’ll go to jail, maybe he won’t. Maybe he’ll keep winning those golf tournaments, maybe he won’t. It’s all up in the air, like a bird in the sky. All about this Scheffler news.
But one thing’s for sure, people are gonna be talkin’ about this for a long time. This Scheffler news, it’s gonna be remembered. It’s a big deal, even for folks like me who don’t know much about golf. This Scheffler, he surely made a name for himself. Whether it’s good or bad, well, that remains to be seen.
They say that golf course is a big place, lots of green grass and sand traps. Sounds like a lot of work to me, chasin’ that little ball around. I’d rather be sitting on my porch, watchin’ the world go by. This Scheffler, he can have his golf. Me? I’ll take a good cup of coffee and a quiet afternoon any day.
Well, that’s all I know about this Scheffler fella. It’s a mess, and it is big Scheffler news, but life goes on, don’t it? Sun comes up, sun goes down. Just gotta keep on keepin’ on, that’s what I always say. Hope it all works out for him, I suppose. But like I said, the truth always comes out in the wash. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens next.