That Xander Schauffele, he’s a good boy, that one. Always playin’ that golf. I seen it on the TV. He’s been winnin’ a lot lately, that’s for sure. Big news, big news. You know, he won somethin’ big just the other day. Some kinda championship. Two in two months! Two months! Can you believe it? That boy’s on fire, I tell ya!

They talk about him all the time now. Xander Schauffele news is every where! He’s all over, like flies on a cow pie in July. Every time I turn around, there he is, smilin’ and swingin’ that club. Makes a body proud, seein’ someone do so well. He must be makin’ a good livin’ out there. Good for him, I say! Good for him!
He is from United States. He is a good boy from here. I think he’s got, like, nine wins now? Nine! And two just this year, I reckon. He’s always in the top ten, that one. Always up there with the best of ’em. He got a 4th place somewhere. That’s what they said. Number two in the world, that boy.
I heard he was talkin’ at some big fancy place. Zozo somethin’ or other. Big words, these folks use. He was talkin’ about playin’ since the Tour somethin’. Don’t know what that means, but it sounds important. That’s Xander Schauffele for ya, always doin’ somethin’ important! Important news!
And then I seen somethin’ about him playin’ in some place called, uh, Louisville. Sounds like a made-up place to me. But they said it was big doin’s, lots of folks watchin’. Must be nice, travelin’ around like that. Seein’ all them fancy places.
He had to go to some other place to qualify for somethin’. This was back in, oh, 2017, I think. They call it sectional qualifyin’. Sounds mighty complicated. But he did it! He always does what he sets out to do. They say Xander Schauffele news all the time.
Heard him say it was his “best round” ever. Playin’ in that Open. The 152nd, they called it. Sounds like they’ve been doin’ this a long time. He won that, too, of course. He’s a winner, that Xander Schauffele.
You read the news. Everyone says his name. Xander Schauffele news. I can not believe it. He play good.
- He was sad about somethin’.
- The Olympics, I think.
- Didn’t do so hot in Paris.
- But he’s tryin’ to win somethin’ else now.
- Catch up to that Scottie fella.
And that fella carryin’ his clubs, Austin somethin’. They been together a long time. Since college, even. San Diego State University, that’s the one. They both played golf, but that Austin fella decided to carry the clubs instead. Good for him, I guess. Whatever makes ya happy.

Used to wear Adidas, that Xander Schauffele. Now he’s wearin’ somethin’ new. Descente, they call it. Must be some fancy brand. Got a deal with ’em, I reckon. Makin’ that money, that boy! He got sponsored, they said. Must be nice. January, I think it was. Good for him! That boy deserves it, he works hard. Always playin’ that golf. Xander Schauffele news! Xander Schauffele news!
He’s a good boy, that Xander Schauffele. Hope he keeps winnin’. Makes a body feel good, seein’ someone do so well. And it’s always nice to have somethin’ to talk about, you know? Keeps things interestin’. Keeps a body informed about all that Xander Schauffele news. He is number one!