Well, let me tell you about this Sam Bennett fella and what’s in his golf bag. You know, I ain’t no expert on these fancy golf clubs, but I hear things around here and there. This golf game, it sure is somethin’ else. My old man used to whack a ball around with a stick, but these young’uns today, they got all sorts of contraptions.

So, this Sam Bennett, they say he’s a professional golfer. Whatever that means. Probably just means he hits that little white ball better than most folks. And he’s got a whole bag full of these golf clubs, all shiny and new-fangled. They say it’s an all-Ping bag. Must be a fancy brand, sounds like a bell ringing or somethin’.
Now, I heard from some folks, these professional golfers, they carry a bunch of different clubs. They got a driver, that’s probably for hittin’ the ball real far, I reckon. Then there’s a 3-wood and a 5-wood. Why they need so many “woods” I don’t know. Maybe they get lost in the woods a lot chasin’ after that ball.
And then, they say he’s got somethin’ called a 4-PW. Now, that just sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me. What in tarnation is a 4-PW? Is that some kind of secret code? Maybe it’s for hittin’ the ball different ways. Like one for hittin’ it high, one for hittin’ it low. Lord knows.
- Driver – for hittin’ far
- 3-wood
- 5-wood
- 4-PW – whatever that is
Then there’s more! They say he’s got a gap wedge, a sand wedge, and a lob wedge. Wedges! Sounds like somethin’ you’d use to split wood. Or maybe somethin’ you eat. Like a potato wedge. But no, these are for golf. Why they need so many different kinds of wedges, I can’t rightly say. They should just use one and get used to it.
And last but not least, they say he’s got a putter. Now, that I kinda understand. That’s probably for when the ball is close to the hole, and they just gotta tap it in. Even I could do that, I reckon. Maybe.
- Gap wedge
- Sand wedge
- Lob wedge
- Putter – for tappin’ it in
So, that’s what I hear about Sam Bennett and his golf bag. He’s got all these clubs, and they all got different names. It’s all very confusin’ to a simple person like me. But I guess that’s what these professional golfers do. They use all these fancy tools to hit that little ball around.
Some of these golfers, they change their clubs around. Depending on their playing style or something. I mean, who knows? I guess if you hit the ball a lot, your clubs will wear out fast. They say, some use a driving iron, and others use a hybrid. Well, I think a hybrid is a kind of car. But, what do I know, right?
Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy golf clubs. We just had a stick and a ball, and we were happy with that. We didn’t need no driver or 3-wood or 4-PW or whatever. We just whacked the ball and hoped for the best. I don’t think any of us ever thought of going pro.

But these young folks today, they got it all figured out. They got their Ping golf bags and their different kinds of wedges, and they know exactly which club to use for every situation. It’s all very scientific, I suppose. Too much for my old brain to handle, if I’m honest.
And you know, they got all these fancy names for the clubs, too. Driver, wood, iron, wedge, putter. It’s like a whole different language. I bet if you went up to one of these professional golfers and asked them to pass you the “whackamajig,” they wouldn’t know what you were talkin’ about.
I still can’t get over all these wedges. Gap wedge, sand wedge, lob wedge. What’s the difference? Do they all do the same thing? Does the ball go further with one than the other? It’s all a big mystery to me.
But hey, I guess that’s why they’re the professional golfers and I’m not. They understand all this stuff, and I don’t. They can hit that little ball a country mile, and I can barely hit it past my own feet.
So, there you have it. That’s what I know about Sam Bennett and what’s in his golf bag. It’s a whole lot of somethin’, that’s for sure. A whole lot of somethin’ I don’t understand. But hey, to each their own, right? If he wants to carry around a bag full of fancy golf clubs, that’s his business.
I reckon these clubs and equipment are what these PGA tour stars carry in their bags. I have no idea what PGA is. Must be some big-time golf tournament or organization. And there is a lot of information on the internet about these clubs. You can find anything on the internet, I suppose. If you know where to look, that is.
Me? I’ll just stick to my rockin’ chair and my cup of tea. That’s all the equipment I need. And maybe a good stick to shoo away the squirrels. That’s important, too, you know. Gotta keep those pesky critters out of the garden. They’re worse than a bad golf shot, I tell ya. They are more difficult to deal with than any golf club.