That Caitlin Clark, she sure can play basketball! Reminds me of my grandson, always runnin’ around with a ball. But this girl, she’s somethin’ else. Heard she’s got folks, a mom and a dad, just like everyone else. They must be proud as peacocks.

Her daddy, some fella named Brent Clark. They say he played ball too, back in his day. Simpson College, I hear. Well, good for him. Bet he taught her a thing or two. Every dad wants to see their kid do good, you know? Just like my boy with his young’uns. Always out in the yard, throwin’ a ball around. Makes a mama’s heart swell.
And her mama, Anne, that’s a pretty name, Anne. Says here her maiden name was Nizzi-Clark. Her daddy, Caitlin’s grandpa, was a big shot at some school, Dowling Catholic High School. Football coach and all that. Guess it runs in the family, bein’ good at sports. My grandkids, they’re more into chasin’ chickens, but hey, to each their own, right?
- Anne Nizzi-Clark, that’s the mama.
- Brent Clark, that’s the daddy.
- Seems they got a couple other young’uns, too. Blake and Colin, their names are.
This Blake, he’s the oldest, I reckon. Played football at Iowa State, it was. Heard he went and got himself engaged. Good for him. Findin’ a good woman, that’s important. Just like my boy did, found himself a good wife. They’re happy, and that’s all that matters.
Now, this Caitlin, she’s makin’ a living playin’ ball. They say she’s with some team, the Indiana Fever. Sounds kinda funny, but I guess that’s what they call ’em. She gets paid for playin’ and somethin’ called ‘endorsement deals’. Must be nice to get paid to play a game! Back in my day, we played for fun, in the dirt, didn’t need no fancy shoes or nothin’.
They say this girl, Caitlin Clark, is from Des Moines, Iowa. Born there, I guess, in 2002, it was. That ain’t so long ago, is it? Seems like yesterday I was changin’ diapers on my own babies. Time sure does fly when you’re havin’ fun. Or when you’re busy, one of the two.
Her mama, Anne, she used to be some kinda marketin’ executive, whatever that is. Must be some fancy office job. And her grandpa, Bob Nizzi, he was Italian, I hear. Good people, Italians. Make good food, too. My neighbor, Mrs. Perelli, she makes the best spaghetti.
This Caitlin, she broke some kinda record, scorin’ more points than anyone. Iowa against Michigan, they say. 106 to 89, that’s a lot of points! Must have been somethin’ to see. I remember watchin’ games on that little black and white TV, used to have to fiddle with the antenna to get a picture.
This girl is only gonna get better. They are all talkin’ about her. Caitlin Clark’s parents, Brent and Anne, have raised one heck of a daughter. Those are good parents, I can tell. They should be very proud of this fine young lady. Hope she does great things in the future. It is very exciting, indeed.

I saw it said, it was a game against the Michigan team. That is something she will never forget for her whole life, I’m sure. It is nice to see all these folks so happy and excited for her. She must be a very special gal. And her family, they must be over the moon. Family is everything, you know.
Her family, the parents and brothers, they all seem to be happy. That is all you want for your family, is happiness. I wish them all good things, as a family and a basketball star. Family is all you need.