This Andrew Hartley, he sure is somethin’. I seen lots about him, boxing, you know. They call him “Kid Thunder”. He from the USA, that much I know. He ain’t too tall, just a little fella, ’bout 5 foot 6, I reckon. He a boxer, a real one, they say.

This boxing, it ain’t for the faint of heart, no sir. You gotta be tough as nails. That Andrew Hartley, he must be tough. They say he a “journeyman”. Don’t rightly know what that means, but it sounds like he been around the block a few times.
They say he from Arkansas. That’s a long way from here. But this boxing, it takes you places, I guess. You gotta go where the fights are. And this Andrew Hartley, he seem like he ready to fight anyone, anywhere.
- He a “welterweight”, they call it. Don’t know ’bout these fancy names, but it means somethin’ in boxing, I suppose.
- They say he not the best, but he got heart. That’s important, havin’ heart. You can’t teach that, no sir.
- You gotta have that fire in your belly if you wanna be a boxer. This Andrew Hartley, he got that fire, I bet.
Now, if you wanna be a boxing man like Andrew Hartley, you gotta train. And train hard. Ain’t no easy way ’bout it. You gotta punch them bags, do them push-ups, them sit-ups. All that stuff. It ain’t for sissies, that’s for sure.
They say you gotta learn the “fundamentals”. That means the basics, I reckon. Like how to stand, how to throw a punch, how to move your feet. You gotta learn all that before you can even think ’bout steppin’ in the ring. It like buildin’ a house, you start with foundation.
And you gotta have the right stuff, too. Them boxing gloves, them shoes. Can’t just go in there bare-knuckled, no sir. You need the right gear if you wanna be a real boxer like Andrew.
Andrew Hartley, “Kid Thunder”, he got a record, they say. Means how many fights he won, how many he lost. Every boxer got a record. It’s like their story, written in wins and losses.
This boxing, it’s a tough life, but it’s an honest life. You get what you put in. You work hard, you train hard, you might just make somethin’ of yourself. Like Andrew, maybe.
- You gotta be strong, gotta be quick. Gotta be able to take a punch, too. That’s what they say ’bout boxing.
- It ain’t just about hittin’, it’s about not gettin’ hit. Gotta be smart, gotta be clever.
- This Andrew Hartley, he probably knows all the tricks. You gotta learn them tricks if you wanna be good.
Lots people wanna do the boxing, they see it, they think it easy. They don’t know. It ain’t easy. Gotta have that drive, that hunger. This Andrew, seem like he got it.

I seen fellas who had all the talent in the world, but they didn’t have the heart. They didn’t have that fire. This Andrew Hartley, even if he not the best, he got that fire. You can see it in his eyes, I bet.
They say boxing is a young man’s game. Maybe that’s true. But you gotta have that wisdom, too. Gotta know when to fight, when to hold back. This Andrew, he probably learnin’ that as he goes.
- Bench press, squats, rows. That’s what them young fellas do to get strong for boxing. And runnin’, lots of runnin’.
- Shadow boxing, they call it. Punchin’ at the air, like you fightin’ a ghost. Helps you practice your moves.
- Bags, big heavy bags full of sand or somethin’. You gotta hit them bags, hard and fast. That’s how you build up your power. This is for boxing training.
This Andrew Hartley, he a fighter. He in there, givin’ it his all. That’s all you can ask for. You can’t ask for more than that. He doing the boxing, living the dream, maybe.
If you got a dream, you gotta chase it. Like this Andrew Hartley, chasin’ his boxing dream. It ain’t easy, but nothin’ worth havin’ ever is. Gotta remember that.
This world, it tough. Boxing, it tough. But you gotta keep fightin’, keep pushin’. That’s what Andrew Hartley doin’, I sure. He keep fightin’. He a boxer, that’s what boxers do.
So, this Andrew Hartley, “Kid Thunder”, he somethin’ else. He a boxer, through and through. He got that fire, that heart. And that’s what matters in this boxing game. That’s what matters in life.