That Clorinde, she’s a fancy 5-star gal in that Genshin Impact game, you know? My grandson, he plays it all the time. Says she’s new. And she needs a whole bunch of stuff to get stronger. Like feeding a pig to fatten it up, I reckon. This game has lots of weapon materials you need to collect.

So, this Clorinde, she’s a fighter, a “DPS” my grandson calls it. Means she hits hard, I guess. But he says she ain’t the best, kinda in the middle. Not top pig, not bottom pig, just a regular pig. If you mess up her attacks, it ain’t the end of the world. She got friends in the game, you need to make them strong too, that’s what he said. Clorinde weapon materials is important for her.
And then there’s these “C” things. C2, C0, whatever that means. Sounds like chicken feed to me. But C2 is way better, he says, like 40% or 50% stronger. Like a chicken that lays twice the eggs, I suppose. If you want your Clorinde to be a real egg-layer, you gotta get her to C2, somehow. If you can get the right weapon materials, you can make Clorinde stronger.
Now, she needs these shiny things called “artifacts.” Like them old things you dig up in the field. She’s picky, that Clorinde. Wants the best ones, the “Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy.” Don’t ask me what that means. Sounds like a bird singing a silly song. But it makes her hit harder, gives her more “Attack.” Like feeding her extra corn, I guess. And something about “Bond of Life.” When that goes up or down, she gets stronger. Like a seesaw, I reckon. Clorinde weapon materials, artifacts, all of these are useful.
And there’s this big boss monster, the “Fontemer Unihorn.” Sounds scary, like a bull with one horn. You gotta beat it up to get some special stuff for Clorinde. My grandson says it’s a tough one. Takes a while to beat it. Like trying to catch that old rooster that keeps getting loose. The Fontemer Unihorn will give you some Clorinde weapon materials.
Here is what I know about what that Clorinde girl needs:
- First thing, she needs a whole lot of that Mora. That’s like the money in the game. You need that for everything. You need Mora to get Clorinde weapon materials.
- Then there are these things called “Transoceanic Pearls” and “Transoceanic Chunks.” Sounds like something you find at the bottom of the ocean. Don’t know how you get those, but you need a bunch. They are kinds of Clorinde weapon materials.
- And “Meshing Gears,” “Mechanical Spur Gears,” and “Artificed Dynamic Gears.” Sounds like parts from an old tractor. You gotta collect those too. They are kinds of Clorinde weapon materials.
- There is also some local specialties named “Lumitoile”. You need them. They are rare.
- And there is a boss drop named “Fontemer Unihorn”. That’s the thing you get from that one-horned monster. I’ve told you about that. This is also one of the Clorinde weapon materials.
- Don’t forget the talent level-up material. They are called “Teachings of Justice”, “Guide to Justice”, and “Philosophies of Justice”. Clorinde is a justice girl, you know.
- And there is a weekly boss drop called “Everamber”. You can get it every week.
So, there you have it. All that stuff you need for that Clorinde girl. It’s a lot of work, I tell ya. Like raising a whole farm of animals. But my grandson, he loves it. Spends all his time on that game. Kids these days. Anyway, hope this helps you get your Clorinde all powered up. It is not easy to get all the Clorinde weapon materials.
My grandson also said something about Clorinde weapon materials to level up her weapon, let me see if I can remember them:
- A whole bunch of Mora, again.
- Some things called “Broken Goblets”, “Silver Goblets”, and “Golden Goblets”. Like cups, I guess.
- Also “Transoceanic Pearls”, “Transoceanic Chunks”, and that other one, “Xenochromatic Crystals”. Same as the ones she needs for herself.
- More of those gear things: “Meshing Gears”, “Mechanical Spur Gears”, and “Artificed Dynamic Gears”.
Seems like these Clorinde weapon materials are hard to get. You need a lot of them, and some are only found in certain places, or you have to fight those big monsters to get them. That Fontemer Unihorn, for example, it only drops that one special thing, the Fontemer Unihorn. And you need a lot of them!

And that Everamber, that’s from another big boss, but you can only fight it once a week. So if you don’t get what you need, you have to wait a whole week to try again! It’s like waiting for the rain to come so you can plant your crops. You just have to be patient.
And don’t even get me started on those “Justice” books, the talent level-up materials. You can only get those on certain days of the week, too. It’s like the market in town, only open on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. If you need something on a Wednesday, well, you’re just out of luck!
But if you want your Clorinde to be strong, you gotta put in the work. Just like anything else in life. You want a good harvest, you gotta tend to your fields. You want a strong Clorinde, you gotta collect those Clorinde weapon materials. There’s no easy way around it.