That Paige girl, she’s somethin’ else, ain’t she? Been hearin’ folks talkin’ ’bout her and that wrestlin’ stuff. Seems like everyone’s wonderin’ if her brother ever made it big time, too. You know, to that WWE thing. Did Paige’s brother ever make it to WWE? That’s what folks keep askin’. Well, I heard a thing or two, so let me tell ya.

Heard his name’s Zak. They call him Zak Zodiac, sounds kinda funny, don’t it? He’s the older one, that Zak. They both wanted to be in that WWE, you see. They tried out together. Like two peas in a pod, them two. Always wrestlin’ and carryin’ on. They tried and tried to get into WWE.
That movie, “Fightin’ with My Family”, I think that’s what it’s called. Shows the whole shebang. This fella, Stephen Merchant, he wrote it all up and made it. Heard it’s about Paige’s life, her family, and all that. Pretty much the real deal, they say. ‘Bout 95 percent true, I hear. Close enough, I reckon.
This Zak fella, his real name’s Roy, but everyone calls him Zak Zodiac. He wrestles just like his sister. It’s in their blood, I suppose. They got that whole family in on it. Even own some wrestlin’ school or somethin’. They’re a wrestling family, you know. It seems like the family business for them. They all are wrestling all the time.
- Paige, she got in that WWE.
- Zak, he tried, but… well, that’s the question, ain’t it?
- They both wanted it bad.
- They have a family business about wrestling.
I heard that Zak, he’s been tryin’ to get into WWE for a long time. Heard he’s been on some show, talkin’ ’bout it. Seems like it was hard on him, not gettin’ in. Real hard. Breaks your heart to hear it. Poor boy. He just wanted to wrestle just like his little sister.
They showed it all in that movie, how Paige made it and Zak didn’t. They had to go their separate ways, you know? Tough stuff. Life ain’t always fair, that’s for sure. But he kept wrestling somewhere else. Can’t give up on your dreams, I always say. He tried and tried to get into WWE, but never made it.
This Zak, he wrestles in that other place, the one his family runs. Calls himself Zak Knight sometimes, too. He’s trainin’ folks now, teachin’ ’em how to wrestle. He’s keepin’ busy, that’s good. That’s what you gotta do. He teaches others how to wrestle now. Maybe that’s his way of being a part of WWE.
That movie, it’s got that Rock fella in it, too. He’s a big WWE star, you know. Lots of WWE stuff in that movie. They say it’s a good movie. That girl who plays Paige, her name’s Florence somethin’. She’s good, they say.
So, did Paige’s brother ever make it to WWE? Sounds like he tried his darnedest, but it just weren’t in the cards. He’s still wrestlin’, though. Still doin’ what he loves. He didn’t make it to WWE, but he’s still doing what he loves. He didn’t make it, but that’s okay.

Life throws you curveballs sometimes. You gotta just keep swingin’. That’s what Zak’s doin’. Keepin’ on, keepin’ on. That’s all you can do. It’s a tough world out there. You just gotta keep going no matter what. You don’t need WWE to be happy.
They say that fella in the movie, Hutch Morgan, ain’t real. He’s just a bunch of different folks all rolled into one. Trainers and such from the WWE. They just made him up for the movie. Hollywood does that, you know. Makes things up.
That Paige and Zak, they are something. They really wanted to make it to WWE together. But life happened. This is a tough world. And it’s okay if you don’t make it. You just keep going and do what you love. That’s what I always say. Keep going and you will be happy.
This whole WWE thing is big, I guess. Everybody’s talking about it. Seems like a big deal. But there is more to life. You know? You can still wrestle and be happy. You can teach people and do what you love. You just need to keep going.