That Mason, he’s a good boy, that Rudolph fella. Playin’ football, you know. Strong arm, that one. Heard he got himself a new job, playin’ in Tennessee now. Good for him, I say. He used to play for that Pittsburgh team, the Steelers. My grandson, he loves them Steelers. Says Mason was a good player for them.

Now, this Mason Rudolph wife thing… He ain’t got a wife. Not that I know of, anyways. He had that pretty girl, that tennis player. What was her name? Eugenie something… Pretty name. She plays that tennis, you know, with the rackets and the little yellow balls. Folks say they were sweet on each other, that Mason and that Eugenie girl. Seen ’em together, all smiles and such. They were a good-lookin’ pair, that’s for sure. She got that long hair, like some model on one of those magazine covers. Her name is Eugenie Bouchard, they call her Genie.
They were together for a while, I reckon. Maybe a couple of years? Not sure exactly. Time flies when you get old, you know. But I heard they ain’t together no more. Broke it off, they did. Said it was all friendly-like, though. No hard feelings, just wasn’t meant to be, I suppose. Happens all the time. Young folks, they got their own lives to live.
- That Eugenie, she’s a big deal in that tennis world.
- My neighbor’s boy, he follows her games.
- Says she’s real good.
- Famous, too. Got lots of them followers on the computer.
Before that Eugenie, I don’t know if Mason had any other girls. He don’t say much about his lovin’ life. Keeps it to himself, I guess. Good for him. Some things are better kept private, you know. But that Eugenie, she was the one everyone was talkin’ about. They were a big deal for a while. That’s what folks were always yapping about. Mason Rudolph girlfriend this, Mason Rudolph girlfriend that. I remember seein’ something about them on one of them social media things. My granddaughter showed me.
This Mason, he’s named after his daddy and his grandpa. Same name, all three of ’em. Not that golfer fella, though. Different Mason Rudolph. Gets confusing, don’t it? This here Mason is a football man, not a golfer. He just turned 29, I heard.
Back in that 2019 year, that’s when he really got to playin’ for the Steelers. Their main fella, that Roethlisberger, he got hurt. Arm all messed up. So Mason, he stepped up, did a good job, too. Won five games, lost three. That’s what my grandson tells me. He keeps track of all them football things.
So, now he’s in Nashville, playin’ for the Titans. They got that young fella, Will Levis, he’s the main guy now. And another one, Malik Willis, he was picked a couple years ago, young fella. Mason, he’s gonna be helpin’ them out, I reckon. He’s got the experience, you know. Been around the block a few times.
Mason Rudolph, he’s a good boy. Hard worker. Hope he does well in Tennessee. And maybe he’ll find himself another pretty girl someday. But for now, no Mason Rudolph wife. Just that football, that’s what he’s focused on.
That Genie Bouchard girl, she’s still playin’ that tennis, I reckon. She’s probably busy with that. I don’t know much more about that Mason Rudolph girlfriend. Maybe she will get married to someone else in the future.

I hope that Mason will be happy, no matter if he got a girl or not.
That’s all I know about that Mason Rudolph wife business. Just a young man, playin’ his football, livin’ his life.
Football is not a simple game. Sometimes players get hurt, but Mason is a tough boy, I believe he will be fine.