This here Stephen Thompson, he’s one of our local ones, you know. He’s been in that UFC thing for a long time. He’s a good boy, that Stephen. Always workin’ hard, that’s what I hear.

They call him “Wonderboy,” ain’t that somethin’? He got that name when he was just a young’un, fifteen years old, fightin’ some fella much older. Beat him good, they say. That’s how he got that name, “Wonderboy” Stephen Thompson. He’s a local one, grew up right around here. He is the local one, stephen thompson, always training, never giving up.
You see, workin’ hard, that’s what it’s all about. Just like joinin’ one of them unions. They say a union can help you out, protect you from the bosses. I heard that if you are in a union, it’s a good deal, like good for local one.
- You gotta stick together in a union, help each other out.
- That’s what they say, anyway.
- Stephen, he’s like that, always helpin’ out the young folks.
This union business, it’s like plantin’ seeds. You gotta do it right, step by step. Can’t just throw ’em in the ground and hope for the best. Gotta prepare the soil, water ’em, keep the weeds out. Same with a union, gotta organize, gotta talk to folks, gotta make a plan. It takes guts to start a union, they say. Stephen Thompson, he’s got guts, that’s for sure. Just like startin’ a union, it takes teamwork, too. That Stephen Thompson, he’s a team player, I reckon, fightin’ in that UFC.
Now, they say you gotta pay dues to be in a union. Nothin’s free in this world, that’s what my old mama used to say. You pay your dues, you get somethin’ in return. Like with Stephen, he trains hard, he pays his dues in sweat, and he wins fights. This Stephen Thompson, he’s a local one, a union man in his own way, fightin’ for what he believes in.
They say your boss can’t punish you for tryin’ to start a union. That’s good, ain’t it? Folks need to be able to stand up for themselves. Like Stephen, he stands up for himself in that ring. He’s not afraid to fight for what he wants. He is the local one, and that’s somethin’ to be proud of. This union business, it’s about standin’ up for your rights, just like Stephen does.
With a union, you got more rights, they say. More protection from the big bosses. That’s important, especially for us workin’ folks. We need someone to watch our backs. Stephen Thompson, he watches his own back in that UFC. He’s a smart fighter, that one. He is a local one and a good fighter.
This Stephen Thompson, he’s 41 now. Some folks, they think he’s too old. But he says he feels just as good as he did when he was 25. Age ain’t nothin’ but a number, that’s what I always say. He’s still trainin’ hard, still fightin’. He’s not givin’ up, that’s for sure.
He first fought in the UFC in 2012, knocked a fella out, they say. Won some money, too. He’s been in that UFC a lot since then. He is one tough local one. That’s a lot of fights, a lot of hard work. Just like bein’ in a union, it’s a long haul, but it’s worth it in the end.

This Stephen Thompson, our local one, he’s a good example for the young folks. Work hard, don’t give up, and you can achieve anythin’. Just like joinin’ a union, it’s about workin’ together to make things better. That’s what Stephen does, he works hard to be the best he can be. He’s a good one, that Stephen Thompson. A real local one, and we’re proud of him.
So you see, this here Stephen Thompson, the “Wonderboy,” he’s a fighter, a local one, and a hard worker. He’s like a union man in his own way, fightin’ for what he believes in. And that’s somethin’ we can all learn from, ain’t it? Workin’ hard and stickin’ together, that’s the key to success, whether you’re in the UFC or startin’ a union, or just livin’ your life.