Well, lemme tell ya somethin’ about that Texas Longhorns football coach, that Steve fella. What’s his name again? Sarkeesian? Sarkissin? Oh, whatever, you know who I’m talkin’ about. That football coach fella in Texas. He’s been doin’ somethin’ with them Longhorns, I tell ya. He’s been coachin’ for, Lord, I don’t know, a whole heap of years. Twenty-four years or somethin’, they say. He’s been the big cheese, the head coach, for a while now, too. Eleven years, I heard.

This year, he’s been with them Texas boys for four years. Four! Can you believe it? Time sure does fly when you’re havin’ fun, or yellin’ at the TV during a game, which is what I do most Saturdays. He’s been tryin’ to make them Longhorns somethin’ special again. It ain’t easy, mind you. Takes time to build somethin’ good. Like makin’ a quilt, you gotta stitch it all together, piece by piece. And that Steve, he seems to know what he’s doin’.
Them Texas Longhorns, they’ve played a whole mess of games. More’n a thousand, I reckon. One thousand two hundred, that’s a lot of games! And in all them years, they’ve had a bunch of coaches. Ten of ’em took those boys to them bowl games. Fancy name for a big game, ain’t it? I remember some of them names. Royal, that’s a name you don’t forget. Brown, too. And now this Sark… Sark-whatever fella, he’s in that group, too.
Now, folks been sayin’ this Steve shares a name with that singer lady. You know, the one with all them sparkly outfits? Cher! That’s her! Her name’s got that Sark-somethin’ in it, too. Cherilyn Sarkisian, I think. People been wonderin’ if they’re kin. Probably not, but it’s fun to think about, ain’t it?
They talkin’ about some big games comin’ up, some playoff thing. Sounds important. They release some kinda list, rankin’ the teams. Big to-do, I suppose. That Steve fella, he took some of his players, that quarterback boy, Ewers, I think his name is, and another one, Banks. Good strong names, them are.
This Sark-fella, he’s one of them, what they call, “premier” coaches. Fancy word for “good,” I reckon. He’s tryin’ to bring them Texas Longhorns back to the top. Make ’em winners again. That’s what them rich folks pay him the big bucks for, ain’t it? Hope he can do it. I like seein’ them Texas boys do good. It would be like a good story, like a good harvest.
He’s always talkin’ about changin’ things. Says there’s too much goin’ on at once in that college football world. I don’t know nothin’ about all that, but it sounds like a mess. Like tryin’ to herd cats, I imagine. He wants to change the calendar, make it simpler, maybe. Lord knows we could all use a little more simple in our lives.
Here is a list of things that I heard about that Steve Sarkisian:
- He’s a good coach. At least, that’s what they say.
- He’s been coachin’ a long time. A real long time.
- He’s tryin’ to make them Texas Longhorns good again.
- He might be related to that Cher singer lady. Probably not, but you never know.
- He wants to change things in college football.
That quarterback, that Ewers boy, seems like a good kid. Hope he can throw that ball real good. And that Banks fella, he’s a big ‘un. Protectin’ the quarterback, that’s an important job. If he can’t do it, we will lose that game.

This head coach job, it ain’t for the faint of heart. Lots of pressure, I bet. Everyone watchin’ your every move. Like bein’ a mama hen with a bunch of chicks. Gotta keep ’em all in line, make sure they don’t run off and get into trouble. That’s what that coach is tryin’ to do. Train those boys, keep them focused. That’s what a good coach should do, I think.
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about that Texas Longhorns football coach, that Steve Sark… Sark-whatever his name is. He seems like a good fella, tryin’ his best. And that’s all you can really ask for, ain’t it? Just do your best, and hope for the best. That’s what I always say. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go see about supper. Maybe I’ll make some cornbread. Goes good with everything, just like a good football game. I hope them boys win, though. It’d be a shame to see ’em lose after all that hard work. A real shame.