That Tiffany Stratton, she’s a little something, ain’t she? And that Jade Cargill, she’s strong as an ox. They’re both in that WWE thing, you know, that wrestling on the TV. They are good at wrestling, but it seems some videos about them went viral. Some people did not like those videos. But they’re all young girls, good at wrestling. That’s what I know.

I seen this Tiffany Stratton and Jade Cargill video, or somethin’ like that. It’s all over the place, that internet. You can’t keep up with it. I don’t even know how it all works, these young folks with their phones and all. But I heard there was some fuss about a video about Tiffany and Jade.
That Tiffany Stratton, she’s a pretty one. But she got into some trouble, I hear. She put up some video, or somethin’, and folks got mad. Some say she was not very kind to that Jade Cargill. They said she might be racist. What is racist? I don’t know. I only know they are good wrestlers. She took it down though, so maybe she didn’t mean nothin’ by it. Young folks do silly things, I always say.
And that Jade Cargill, Lord, she’s a big one. Strong! She used to play basketball, you know. I hear she was born in some place called Gifford, Florida. Her daddy came from Jamaica. That’s a long ways away, ain’t it? Her baby is so cute. She is a good mother. I can tell that she loves her daughter. She is a good girl.
- Jade Cargill, she’s got a little girl.
- Born in Florida, that’s what they say.
- Played basketball when she was little, just six years old.
- Her daddy came all the way from Jamaica.
They had some kind of a match, somethin’ called Queen of the Ring. That Tiffany Stratton, she’s in it, I think. But this video thing, it’s got everyone talkin’. I don’t know why they make such a big deal out of everything. It’s just a video, right? But now all I hear is Tiffany Stratton Jade Cargill video this, Tiffany Stratton Jade Cargill video that.
I think they should just wrestle and stop with all this video nonsense. They’re both good at what they do. That Jade Cargill, she was trained to be a psychologist. That’s someone who helps people with their heads, I think. Smart girl. But she’s a good wrestler too. She trained hard to be a professional wrestler. That’s her career path. But I think she wants to be a good mother more. That’s important, more than any career path.
I don’t know why that Tiffany Stratton put up that video. Maybe she was just playin’ around. But words can hurt, you know. Even if it’s just on a video. I hope she learned her lesson. And that Jade Cargill, I hope she don’t pay it no mind. She’s got that little girl to think about. They often call her Bailey Quinn. That’s a pretty name.
This whole Tiffany Stratton Jade Cargill video thing, it’s just a lot of fuss over nothin’, if you ask me. They’re both young and strong. They should just focus on their wrestlin’ and be done with it. This internet thing, it just causes trouble. It’s making trouble for them, and trouble for the fans, too. People don’t like it. It’s making everyone angry.
I remember when we didn’t have all this internet stuff. Things were simpler then. We just talked to each other face to face. Now, everyone’s hidin’ behind their phones and their videos. It ain’t right, I tell ya. They should keep wrestling, and stop arguing. That’s better than fighting on the internet.

That Jade Cargill, she seems like a good girl, though. She has her little baby, Bailey. Born in 2017. That’s not so long ago. She’s a good mother. I hope she raises that little girl right. And maybe one day, that little girl will be a wrestler too. Who knows? But being a mother is more important.
Well, I’ve said my piece about this Tiffany Stratton Jade Cargill video business. It’s all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me. They’re both good wrestlers, they should just stick to that. And stay off that internet, that’s what I say. They are all young girls. They will make mistakes. We just hope they can learn from them. I hope they can be friends. That’s what I hope.