Will that boy, Kareem Hunt, play in week 3? I heard some folks talking ’bout it down at the market. They was sayin’ all sorts of things. That Kareem Hunt, he’s a good runner, that’s what I know. He run like a scared rabbit! But will he play? That’s the big question, ain’t it?

Well, I heard that one fella, name of Adam Schefter, from that ESPN place, he said Kareem won’t be playin’. Said he won’t be suiting up for week 3. Now, I don’t know this Adam fella, but he seems to know a thing or two ’bout football. If he says Kareem ain’t playin’, then I reckon Kareem ain’t playin’. That coach, Andy Reid, he say maybe Kareem will play against them Falcons. But later he say Kareem will not play in that game. That’s final.
Then there was this other talk, somethin’ ’bout a coach, Andy Reid, I think his name was. He said somethin’ ’bout maybe, just maybe, Kareem might play on Sunday. Against the Falcons, I think it was. Sounds like a bunch of birds to me! But then, he turn around and said, nope, Kareem Hunt will not play in week 3. So which is it? Will he or won’t he? Makes my head spin!
Now, I remember when Kareem was just a young’un. Fast as lightning, he was! Used to run all over the place, just like he does on that football field. He run for lots yards. Some big number like 4,945, I heard. He run 6.3 yards each time. That’s pretty fast I think. He is faster than most of the boys who play. He’s a good boy, that Kareem. Worked hard, he did. Got himself a good job playin’ that football. But will he be the RB1? I hear that other boy, somethin’ Pacheco, he can’t play. Maybe that’s why they want Kareem so bad.
This week, they sign that boy. Let him practice with them Chiefs. But then they say he cannot play? That’s not nice. They should let the boy play. He is good. I don’t know all them rules and such. But it just don’t seem right.
So, will Kareem Hunt play week 3? I’m tellin’ ya, from what I heard, it’s a no. He will not play. A big, fat NO. That Adam Schefter fella, he seems to know. And that coach, Andy Reid, he finally said no, too. So there you have it. No football for Kareem this week. Maybe next week, who knows? These football folks, they change their minds more often than I change my apron!
Here’s what I think, in a nutshell:
- Kareem Hunt is a good runner. Real good.
- That ESPN fella says Kareem won’t play week 3.
- Coach Andy Reid said maybe, then said no.
- Kareem used to be real fast, even when he was little.
- The Chiefs need a good runner, ’cause that Pacheco boy is hurt.
- They signed Kareem, but they don’t let him play.
That’s all I know. It’s all a bit confusing, ain’t it? But one thing’s for sure, that Kareem Hunt, he’s a good runner. If they ever let him play, he’ll show ’em what he’s made of. Just you wait and see. He will be a good RB1. If that boy Pacheco still cannot play, maybe Kareem can be the RB1. But for now, he’s sittin’ on the sidelines. And that’s a darn shame, if you ask me.
Them Chiefs, they better figure it out. They need to win. If they don’t let that boy play, how can they win? It don’t make no sense. If he play good, he can help them win. Maybe that coach will change his mind again. I don’t know.

But I’m tellin’ ya, if they know what’s good for ’em, they’ll let that boy play. He’s a good runner. A real good runner. He can run fast. He can run far. I hope he play soon. I want to see him play. And I bet those Chiefs fans do, too. So, will Kareem Hunt play week 3? Nope. But maybe, just maybe, he’ll play soon. We’ll just have to wait and see. And that’s all I got to say ’bout that.