This Will Levis, you know, that football fella, he sure can run! I heard folks talking ’bout his 40 time, so I got to thinkin’, what in the tarnation is a 40 time? Sounds like somethin’ you’d time with one of them stopwatches. Turns out, it’s how fast a fella can run 40 yards. Now, 40 yards, that’s a good little distance. Like from my porch to the old oak tree, maybe a little further.

Well, this Levis boy, they say his 40 time is 4.80 seconds. Now, I ain’t no expert on these things, but that sounds pretty darn fast to me. Faster than I can get to the kitchen when the pie’s comin’ outta the oven, that’s for sure! And let me tell ya, I can move pretty good when there’s pie involved. Imagine running that whole 40 yards that quick, that will levis 40 time is something else.
I seen him on the TV, playin’ for that Tennessee Titans team. He’s a big fella, that Will Levis. Throws the ball real far, too. They say he’s a quarterback. Important job, that is. Gotta be quick on your feet and smart in the head. This Will Levis, he must have some good genes, running that fast and all. My grandson, bless his heart, he tries to run fast, but he trips over his own feet half the time.
They got all these fancy words for football stuff. NFL combine, they call it. Sounds like somethin’ you’d use to harvest corn, not somethin’ to do with football! They measure how tall he is, how much he weighs, how fast that Will Levis 40 time is. Everything about these fellas. It’s a whole to-do, I tell ya.
- Will Levis 40 time: 4.80 seconds
- Team: Tennessee Titans
- Position: Quarterback
This Levis boy, he’s been makin’ a name for himself. I heard some folks sayin’ he wasn’t doin’ so hot at first. Throwin’ the ball to the wrong team, things like that. Happens to the best of ’em, I reckon. Even my old dog, Blue, he used to chase his tail and get all confused. But that will levis sure is getting better. People are talking about him more and more now.
Now they are sayin’ the average time for other fellas, these corner and wide receiver fellas, is more like 4.50 to 4.55 seconds. So this Will Levis 40 time, it ain’t the fastest, but it’s still mighty fast for a big quarterback fella. And it is just about the top speed, ain’t it? Still pretty good, I’d say. He ain’t no slouch!
He’s makin’ a good bit of money, too, that Will Levis. More money than I ever seen in my life, that’s for sure. They talk about base salary and roster bonus and cap hits and dead cap, I don’t know what all that is. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. But it means he’s doin’ alright for himself. Good for him, I say. He must be, to have a will levis 40 time like that.
He started playin’ for the Titans when that other fella, Tannehill, got hurt. Ankle injury, they said. That’s a shame. Football’s a rough game. Always gettin’ hurt, these boys. But Levis stepped in and did his job. He’s learnin’ the ropes, as they say. Just like I learned how to make the best apple pie in the county. Took some time, but I got it down pat now. That Will Levis is getting it down pat too, his 40 time shows it.
I remember when he was a young’un, playin’ for that Kentucky team. They said he got drafted in the fourth round. Don’t know what that means, but it sounds important. He’s come a long way, that Will Levis. And he’s still young. Got a whole lot of football ahead of him. He’s gonna be somethin’ special, you just wait and see.

You know, watchin’ these young fellas play, it reminds me of when I was a girl. We didn’t have no fancy football games, but we’d run around in the fields, playin’ tag and such. Didn’t have no Will Levis 40 time to worry about, just had fun. But it’s good to see these boys doin’ well. Makes a person proud, even if you don’t know ’em from Adam. Keep runnin’ fast, Will Levis! Keep makin’ us proud. You keep that 40 time down and you’ll do just fine.