Well, let me tell ya, when I first saw them Hoenn poison types, I thought, what in tarnation is that? Back in my day, we just had regular critters, not these fancy-colored things with all sorts of weird powers. But my grandkids, they love these Pokemon things, so I tried to learn a bit about ’em.

So, these Hoenn poison types, they’re a bunch of creatures from some place called Hoenn. I don’t know where that is, but it sounds far away. And they got this poison thing goin’ on, which I reckon ain’t too good. You don’t want to be messin’ with poison, no sir. It’ll make ya sick as a dog. This is a type what ain’t great at attacking.
One of ’em is called Seviper. Sounds like a snake, and I don’t like snakes. Nope, not one bit. This Seviper, it’s all poison, and it ain’t very tough. My grandson told me it’s got low defenses, whatever that means. I guess it means it gets beat up easy. And it ain’t got much HP, which I reckon means it ain’t got much life in it. Poor thing.
Then there’s this other one called Roselia. Now, that’s a pretty name. Sounds like a flower. And it is! It’s like a rose, but with poison. I guess it’s one of them pretty things that’s also dangerous. Like that Widow, used to live down the road, always causin’ trouble. Roselia is one of the better ones from this Hoenn place, that’s what they tell me. It was added when Hoenn showed up.
They got this list, see, of all these Pokemon things. And they put ’em in order of this Hoenn place. So, the first ones on the list are the ones you meet first in Hoenn. Or somethin’ like that. It’s all very confusin’ to me. Like the order of cows in the market. They put the best ones first I guess.
- There are also these things called Poison-type moves.
- And they’re good against Grass and Fairy types.
- I don’t know what a Fairy type is, but it sounds like somethin’ from a storybook.
- Maybe like them little people with wings.
One time at the market, I saw a big green Pokemon. They are calling it Grimer. It was found on the path in that Hoenn. That Grimer thing, it was a mess. He can be found on the Fiery Path of Hoenn. Slimy and smelly. That Grimer is the same in the first generation.
And then there’s this big, scary one called Eternatus. Now, that’s a name that sounds like trouble. And it is! It’s the strongest of all these poison things. It’s got all these high stats, which I guess means it’s real powerful. And it can change into somethin’ even bigger and scarier, called Eternamax. That’s somethin’ else, I tell ya. It’s the best of the Poison-type.
I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout a team they used in Hoenn. They had an Alakazam, a Blaziken, a Gyarados, a Skarmory, a Vileplume, and a Dragonite. That’s a lot of names. I can barely remember my own kids’ names sometimes. They said it was a good team, but the Dragonite wasn’t very useful until it got bigger, or evolved or somethin’. The team is strong but Dragonite was not good at first.
Now, they say this poison is good against grass and these fairy types. And grass is weak to a bunch of other things too. But fairy is only weak to poison and steel. So I guess that makes poison kinda useful, in a way. It’s all very complicated.

These Hoenn poison types, they’re a strange bunch. But I guess they got their uses. Just like everything else in this world. Even that old, rusty tractor out back, it still comes in handy sometimes. So, I reckon these Pokemon ain’t so bad. Just gotta be careful around that poison, that’s all. Don’t want to end up like old man Johnson, who got bit by a snake and swelled up like a balloon. Best to just watch ’em from afar, I say. Like them city folks with their fancy cars. Best to just admire ’em from a distance.