Well, lemme tell you about these NFL GM fellas, the big shots, you know? They’re the ones callin’ the shots, pickin’ the players, and decidin’ who’s gonna be on the field. It ain’t easy work, that’s for sure. And they get paid a pretty penny for it, too, these NFL GM salary.
Now, how much do they make? That’s what everybody wants to know, right? Well, it ain’t the same for everyone. Some of these GMs, they make a whole heap of money, I tell ya. Some, they pull in a measly $1 million a year. Can you believe that? Measly! Others, the big shots, they’re rakin’ in $7.5 million. That’s enough to buy a whole lotta land, I tell ya!
I heard tell that the average salary for NFL GM is somewhere around $2.4 million a year. That’s what they say. But like I said, it all depends. It’s like the price of eggs, it goes up and down. You got some fellas, they been doin’ it for years, they got experience, they know the ropes. They’re gonna make more than some young buck just startin’ out. And then there’s the teams that win a lot. Their GMs, they get paid more, too. It’s all tied together, you see.
- Some GMs make $1 million
- Some make a whopping $7.5 million
- The average is around $2.4 million, they say
Now, some folks say the average NFL general manager salary is around $94K. That’s without any extra money. But they usually get extra, like bonuses and such. The extra money is usually about $19K per year, I hear. But that still ain’t a whole lot compared to a million, is it? These numbers are all over the place. You never know who’s tellin’ the truth. It’s like tryin’ to catch a greased pig, I tell ya. Slippery!
But let me tell you, being an NFL GM, it ain’t just about the money. It’s a tough job. You gotta know football, inside and out. You gotta know how to pick the right players, how to build a team. It ain’t easy, no sir. You gotta be smart, and you gotta be tough. You’re dealin’ with a lot of people, a lot of egos. It’s like herdin’ cats, I imagine.
I heard someone say most NFL GMs make between $3-5 million every year. But, you know, it changes a lot. It’s like the weather, you can’t ever be sure. Depends on how long they been doin’ it, how many games they win, things like that. It ain’t simple, that’s for sure.
And then you got these assistant GMs. They ain’t makin’ as much as the big shots, but they’re still doin’ alright. I saw somethin’ that said they make around $201,000 a year. That’s a lot of money, but nothin’ like what the head honchos are makin’. It’s like they say, there’s always someone higher up the ladder, makin’ more money.
So, you see, the average salary for nfl gm, it’s a big number. It’s a lot of money. But it ain’t the same for everyone. Some make more, some make less. It’s like plantin’ corn, you never know how much you’re gonna get ’til harvest time. But one thing’s for sure, these NFL GM folks, they’re livin’ high on the hog. They’re makin’ more money than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes.
But you know what they say, money can’t buy happiness. I reckon that’s true. But it sure can buy a lot of other things, like a nice big house and a fancy car. And maybe even a whole football team!

NFL GM salary, it is not the same for everyone, you see? These guys get paid a lot. It can be anywhere from a million to over seven million. It’s a lot of money, I tell ya! They work hard for it, though. Pickin’ players and all that. It ain’t easy. So there you have it. That’s all I know about these NFL GM fellas and how much they make.