Well, well, well, let me tell you, I hear folks talkin’ ’bout this here “burdensome” thing. Burdensome crossword clue, they say. Sounds like a real head-scratcher, don’t it? This old brain ain’t what it used to be, but I reckon I can still figure out a thing or two. This burdensome, it’s like carryin’ a sack of potatoes uphill, both ways, in the snow! It’s somethin’ heavy, somethin’ that weighs you down, makes you tired just thinkin’ ’bout it.

Now, these crossword puzzles, they’re like a whole ‘nother kind of beast. My neighbor, she’s always doin’ ’em. Sits on her porch with a pencil and paper, chewin’ on the end of it, mutterin’ to herself. I asked her once, “What in tarnation are you doin’?” And she said, “Crossword puzzle, gotta keep the mind sharp!” Sharp like a tack, that woman. But me? I prefer just sittin’ and watchin’ the world go by. Less burdensome, you see?
But this burdensome crossword clue, it’s got me thinkin’. They say there’s answers out there, like little nuggets of gold in a pan. You gotta sift through all the dirt and rocks to find ’em. Some folks, they use these fancy machines, these “computers,” to find the answers. They type in that “burdensome” and poof, there’s the answer! Like magic! I don’t know ’bout all that, though. Seems a little like cheatin’ to me. Where’s the fun in that?
I remember back in the day, we didn’t have no fancy machines. We had our brains, and we used ’em! If somethin’ was burdensome, you just had to figure it out yourself. Like when the well went dry, that was burdensome. Had to haul water from the creek, bucket by bucket. My back still aches thinkin’ ’bout it. But we did it. We always did. That’s the thing about life, ain’t it? You gotta carry your own burdens, figure things out on your own. That clue was a problem, but also an oppotunity, just like those old days.
- Some folks say there’s like 40 answers to this burdensome thing.
- Others say it’s more like 5 or 7, or even just 2!
- That’s a lot of answers, if you ask me.
I guess that’s what makes it a puzzle. You got all these different pieces, and you gotta put ’em together just right. Like a quilt, kinda. My grandma, she used to make the most beautiful quilts. Each little square a different color, a different pattern. Took a long time, but when it was finished, it was somethin’ special. Maybe that’s what these crossword puzzles are like. A whole bunch of little pieces that make up a bigger picture.
There’s this thing called a “Crossword Solver.” Sounds like somethin’ out of a detective story, don’t it? Apparently, it helps you find the answers to these puzzles. You can look it up, and there are folks who would tell you the answers. This is what many people do, you know. They just go find the answers.
They say you can search by the clues, find the puzzles for the day, all sorts of things. But I like doing things by myself. I don’t need a “solver” to do the puzzles, at least I don’t think I do. You know what I mean?
And this burdensome clue, they say there’s all sorts of words that mean the same thing. Like “grievous,” or somethin’ like that. Fancy words for somethin’ that just means heavy and hard. But I always believe that simple things are the best. That’s what I always say.
This whole thing reminds me of the time my cousin, tried to teach me how to play chess. Now that was a burdensome game! All those different pieces, all those rules. I just couldn’t get the hang of it. I told him, “This ain’t for me! I’d rather be plantin’ potatoes!” And you know what? He laughed, but he understood. We all got our own strengths, our own things we’re good at. Maybe crosswords ain’t my thing, but I can sure grow a mean tomato! That’s for sure.

This website thing, they say you can just type in “burdensome” and it’ll give you all the answers, sorted by how many letters they got. Five letters, ten letters, who knows! It’s like a whole dictionary just for crossword puzzles. I guess that’s helpful for some folks, but to me, it seems like it takes the fun out of it. If you just get given answers, you don’t even have to think! What is the point of that, I wonder? You should at least try to solve it. I know that I would.
They say there are tips for solvin’ these crossword puzzles, you know. Like startin’ with the easy ones, the “fill-in-the-blanks.” Those are usually things everybody knows. Like what you call that white stuff that falls from the sky in winter. Starts with an “S,” ends with a “W.” Everybody knows that! That’s how I would do it, anyway. Find an easy one, and then work from there. Like building something, you gotta start somewhere.
So, this burdensome crossword clue, it’s a tough one, that’s for sure. But I reckon there’s an answer out there somewhere. You just gotta keep lookin’, keep thinkin’, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find it. And if you don’t, well, there’s always tomorrow. That’s the thing about life, ain’t it? There’s always another day, another puzzle to solve. And that’s not so burdensome, when you think about it that way. You can even say that is joyful.