That Stephanie and Robert Dobbs, they got a boy, Joshua. Good boy, that one. Born right there in Alpharetta. He’s a smart one, that Joshua. Real smart.

They say he’s got one of them high number brains. What do they call it? IQ? Yeah, somethin’ like that. They say his is 135! Can you believe that? That’s way up there, like the top of the top. Smart as a whip, I tell ya. He could join one of them fancy brainy clubs, they say, with that number. They call it… Inter-somethin’? I don’t know. Fancy name for a fancy brain club, I guess.
And he went to that big school, Tennessee. Got a fancy learnin’ in somethin’ called air-o-space. Like rockets and stuff, I reckon. And get this – he got all the good marks. Straight 4.0, they say! Never seen nothin’ like it. Stephanie and Robert Dobbs must be so proud. Raising a boy like that, smart as a whole dang schoolhouse, ain’t easy. Their son, Joshua Dobbs, he’s a real go-getter.
This Robert, he named the boy after himself, kinda. Robert Joshua Dobbs. Born January 26, I heard. Must be a winter baby. Cold time of year. But that boy, he’s probably got a fire in him, bein’ so smart and all. Makes ya wonder what he’s gonna do with all that brainpower. Maybe build one of them rockets and fly to the moon!
Yeah, that Stephanie, she must be some woman. To raise a boy like that, with all that smarts. Probably helped him with his schoolin’ and all. Mothers are good like that. Always pushin’ their kids to do good. And Robert, I bet he’s just as proud. Probably taught him how to throw a ball and all that manly stuff. Boys need that, ya know. A good mama and a good papa. That’s what makes a good boy. And them Dobbs, they did a good job.
I seen a lot of kids in my day. Some smart, some not so much. But this Joshua Dobbs, he’s somethin’ else. He’s got that somethin’ special. You can just tell. He’s gonna go far, that one. Maybe he’ll be president someday! Wouldn’t that be somethin’? A boy from Alpharetta, all grown up and runnin’ the whole country.
- Smart boy, that Joshua.
- High IQ, they say. 135!
- Went to Tennessee school.
- Got all the good marks.
- Stephanie and Robert Dobbs are good parents.
You know, Stephanie and Robert Dobbs, they’re just regular folks, I reckon. But they raised a boy who ain’t regular at all. He’s extra-ordinary, that’s what he is. And it just goes to show, you never know what kind of greatness can come from just plain folks. Makes ya think, don’t it?
That boy, he’s gonna make a name for himself. Just you wait and see. Joshua Dobbs. Remember that name. He’s gonna be somethin’ big. Bigger than Alpharetta, even. Maybe even bigger than Tennessee! He’s gonna be known all over, I betcha. And it all started with Stephanie and Robert Dobbs. Good folks. Good parents.
It’s like plantin’ a seed, ain’t it? You plant a little seed, and you water it, and you give it sunshine, and one day it grows into somethin’ big and beautiful. That’s what they did. They planted a good seed in that boy, and they nurtured it, and now he’s growin’ into somethin’ real special.

And you know what else? It doesn’t matter if you come from a big city or a little town. It doesn’t matter if you got a lot of money or just a little. What matters is that you got folks who love you and believe in you. Like Stephanie and Robert Dobbs believed in their boy. That’s what makes all the difference. That boy, Joshua Dobbs, he’s lucky to have them. And they’re lucky to have him, too. It’s a good thing, all around.
Stephanie and Robert raised him good. Taught him right from wrong, I bet. Taught him to work hard and to never give up. That’s what it takes to be successful. Hard work and determination. And a little bit of smarts, too, I guess. And that boy’s got plenty of that!
Joshua Dobbs is the name. That’s a name to remember. Good boy, doing good things. His mama and papa must be real happy, I tell you. That’s all that really matters, family.